
Stuttgart / Berlin (dpa) - The founder of the "lateral thinking" initiative, Michael Ballweg, does not want to register any more large demonstrations for the time being.

He announced this in a video message that was published on Christmas Eve on the website of the group “lateral thinking 711” from Stuttgart.

Instead, he wanted to use winter to gather strength for spring, he justified his approach.

He also recommends this to other “lateral thinking” groups in Germany.

Ballweg also called for people to adhere to the ban on demonstrations in Berlin at the turn of the year.

On Wednesday it became known that the demo planned for December 30th in Berlin against state restrictions had been banned in the Corona crisis.

"I would like to ask you to accept the ban," Ballweg said in the video.

But he would be happy if there were still small assemblies in many places in Germany that were in accordance with the regulations of the federal states.


Several "lateral thinking" demonstrations were recently banned by the courts with reference to the protective measures against the corona virus.

At the big rally on August 29th in Berlin, many participants did not adhere to the distance rule.

On November 18, a similar demonstration in Berlin was broken up by the police with the help of water cannons.

In Baden-Württemberg, the movement is now being observed by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

The State Office attributes several key actors to the milieu of Reich citizens and self-administrators who deny the existence of the Federal Republic and deny democratic and constitutional structures.

The Stuttgart-based group “lateral thinking 711” is something like the nucleus of the now nationwide active protest movement.

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Video from Ballweg