
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 25, 2020:

52nd calendar week, 360th day of the year

6 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Anastasia, Eugenia



2005 - The Supreme Court in Libya overturns the death sentences of five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor.

The defendants were accused of having infected more than 400 children with the AIDS virus.

2004 - After a seven-year journey through space, the European probe “Huygens” is decoupled from the mother ship “Cassini”.

In 2005 she can land on the Saturn moon Titan.

2000 - China and Vietnam sign a maritime border demarcation agreement and fisheries deal to resolve their decades-old border dispute in the Gulf of Tongking.


1985 - Mount Etna in Sicily breaks out completely surprisingly again.

The lava flow pours down into the valley 150 meters wide.

A person dies.

1978 - Vietnamese troops cross the border with Cambodia and start an offensive against the Khmer Rouge.

1851 - The official opening of the country's first railway line between the port city of Caldera and Copiapó inland takes place in Chile.

The distance is a good 80 kilometers.

1745 - The Peace of Dresden ends the Second Silesian War.

Prussia receives all of Silesia from Austria and recognizes Franz I as emperor.

1705 - In Sendling near Munich, over a thousand peasants who had revolted against the Austrian occupation forces are massacred (“Sendlinger Murder Christmas”).

800 - Charlemagne, whose empire stretches from the Elbe to the Ebro (today in Spain), is led by Pope Leo III.

in Rome crowned King of the Franks and Lombards and Roman Emperor.



1975 - Jens Friebe (45), German pop singer (“Before and After Pictures”, “In Hypnosis”, “Naked Fear Pull Up We Go Out”) and journalist

1955 - Bernd Tönjes (65), German manager, CEO of the RAG-Stiftung since 2018

1955 - Ingrid Schmidt (65), German judge, became the first woman to hold this position as President of the Federal Labor Court in 2005

1950 - Karl Rove (70), American politician, adviser to the American President George W. Bush

1870 - Helena Rubinstein, American cosmetics entrepreneur, d. 1965


2005 - Birgit Nilsson, Swedish opera singer, soprano, especially Wagner and Strauss singer, b.


1995 - Dean Martin, American actor ("Hell is going on the highway", "Rio Bravo") and singer ("Everybody Loves Somebody", "That's Amore"), b.


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