Paris (AFP)

Montpellier, outnumbered for almost the entire match, did not avoid defeat on the lawn of Wasps (33-14), conceding a second crippling loss in the race for the quarter-finals of the European Cup, Friday during the second day.

Six days after their inaugural loss at home against the Irish of Leinster (14-35), the Héraultais lost five tries to two, a severe score in view of their courageous performance despite the tiles accumulated in the first period at Coventry.

An early red card inflicted on South African back Henry Immelman for a high tackle on the English scrum half Will Porter (6), the exit on injury of the young opener (18 years) very promising Louis Foursans (19). .

To top it off, a forward from the English not sanctioned by Irish referee Andrew Brace, near the end zone, deprived Xavier Garbajosa's men of a great opportunity.

And behind the Wasps scored their second try (12-0) thanks to James Gaskell alone.

Despite the "scoumoune", the Montpellier responded with the English three-quarter Alex Lozowski, who crossed the opposing camp after an interception in the middle of the field.

Led at the break (12-7), the Héraultais managed to take control at the start of the second period thanks to a try from Ivan Reilhac, transformed by Benoit Paillaugue (12-14).

But the advantage lasted just three minutes.

The Wasps, who had a successful debut in the competition against the Dragons (24-8), scored two more tries in less than a quarter of an hour, by Paolo Odogwu (49) and Alfie Barbeary (62) author of a double and elected man of the match.

Montpellier fought to the end to try to win at least the defensive bonus.

In vain.

Instead, they even conceded a fifth try late in the game.


They will try to console themselves by securing their place in the European Challenge, the second continental level.

Provided, however, to react during their last two matches of the group stage in January, on the lawn of Leinster and against these same Wasps, at home.

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