Headlines: New York nurse becomes first American vaccinated against Covid-19

Sandra Lindsay (left), a nurse at Jewish Medical Center in Long Island, is the first person to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the United States.

Mark Lennihan POOL / AFP

Text by: Achim Lippold Follow

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Sandra Lindsay made history as the first person to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Almost every newspaper publishes the "official" photo of the 52-year-old nurse receiving an injection in her left arm.


New York Times

portrays Jamaica-born Sandra Lindsay.

She immigrated to the United States 30 years ago.

From an early age, her dream was to become a nurse.

When officials at the

Long Island

Jewish Medical Center

asked if there were volunteers to get the Covid-19 vaccine, Sandra Lindsay raised her hand.

Why ?

Because she saw that her colleagues were very skeptical about receiving the brand new Pfizer / Biontech vaccine.

As she explained to the

New York Times

, as an African American, she also wanted to set an example for her community because she knew that black people in the United States were for historical reasons, due to medical mistreatment. in the past, very reluctant to get vaccinated.

Read also: Covid-19: kick-off in the United States of the vaccination operation

Republicans begin to recognize Joe Biden's victory

The other big headline in the press is the electoral college which endorsed the victory of Democrat Joe Biden yesterday Monday.

The president-elect has, in a harsh indictment against Donald Trump, denounced his stubborn refusal to recognize his defeat and called on America to " 

turn the page


Republicans are actually starting to turn it: "

everyone must move on now


This sentence is on the front page of the


news site


It was pronounced by John Thune, the leader of the Republicans in the Senate who therefore recognized the victory of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States, " 

even if this recognition comes at the last moment,

 " writes Politico.

In the wake of the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, more and more conservatives now admit that there is " 

an elected president

 " and that this president is called Joe Biden.

But this does not mean that these Republicans ask Donald Trump to give in and recognize his defeat

 ", we can read in Politico.

To read also: United States: the leader of the Republicans in the Senate recognizes the victory of Joe Biden

Donald Trump, a dangerous president for the country?

Donald Trump will step down in a few weeks but his imprint will remain strong on American society.

The proof with this editorial from the

New York Times

which questions the danger that the outgoing president represented for the United States.

Among Democrats, there are two readings, the newspaper explains: those like Bernie Sanders who see Donald Trump as an authoritarian leader who could - if he had been re-elected - have destroyed American democracy.

Others see the outgoing president's authoritarian behavior as mere drama and believe that his awkwardness in conducting the business of state makes him less dangerous than George W. Bush.

The former Republican president had bequeathed to the country among other things the

Patriot Act

to fight terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security, recalls the

New York Times


According to the newspaper, Donald Trump did not manage to “get 

hold of

 ” the institutions, but he destroyed the country.

He took away from him a vision shared by all of what reality is.

Donald Trump has the ability to envelop his supporters in a cocoon of lies in an unprecedented way.


He is leaving behind a country where there is no longer a consensus, whether it be on his abuse of powers, his management of the coronavirus or his electoral defeat

 ," concludes the

New York Times



There are smoldering ruins but Donald Trump has made sure that almost half of the country does not see them



In Venezuela, the shipwreck of at least 20 migrants

At least 20 Venezuelan migrants, including three children, died in the sinking of their boat between the coasts of Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago.

The drama occurred on Sunday, December 13.

While the national prosecution ordered the arrest of the owner of the boat, some point to the responsibility of the government.

According to Julio Cesar Daly, co-director of the organization Barometer of Xenophobia, “

the main culprits are the army and the police of Venezuela because they are the ones who should guarantee security off the coast.

 According to this NGO official, the criminal gangs that organize boat crossings for migrants work with public officials.

Comments published by the Colombian newspaper

El Tiempo



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