8430 confirmed cases of "the virus" were recorded within 7 days

Al-Hammadi: Whether a Coronavirus patient will receive the vaccine depends on the doctor's evaluation

Dr. Omar Al-Hammadi: “If the immunity tests are positive for those recovering from (Corona), then they do not need to be vaccinated.”

The official spokesperson for the UAE government media briefing, Dr. Omar Al Hammadi, stated that the vaccination of those recovering from infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) depends on the evaluation of the specialist doctor, noting that most people who had severe or moderate infections and symptoms required hospitalization, They have sufficient immunity.

This came during the UAE government media briefing on the developments of the Coronavirus and the health situation in the country, during which Al Hammadi was reviewed

Some statistics and figures for the latest developments in the health situation, within seven days, from December 9 to December 15.

Al-Hammadi emphasized that people who had severe or moderate infections and symptoms that required hospitalization, had sufficient immunity, and to make sure this was done through immunity detection and examination, and if the immunity tests were positive, they did not require vaccination, but if the tests revealed that no body was formed They are given the vaccine.

Al-Hammadi explained that the studies indicated that people who had minor infections, or did not show symptoms during infection with the virus, may not have sufficient immunity.

The spokesperson for the media briefing of the UAE government indicated that one million 23,607 tests were conducted at the level of the UAE to discover those infected with the Coronavirus within seven days from December 9 to December 15, which revealed the registration of 8,430 confirmed cases, representing an average of 1% of the total The examinations, which is one of the lowest in the world.

Al-Hammadi said that during that period, 4,728 cases were cured, while the total number of deaths reached 26 cases, at a low rate of 0.3%, which is one of the lowest rates in the world.

Al Hammadi added: “We want to continue with the approach of physical distancing, washing hands, sterilizing them, wearing masks, and being careful when mixing with the elderly and people with chronic diseases. Cooperation is required and important, especially in places where gatherings may take place during the vacation period.”

• One million and 23 thousand and 607 checks at the state level, within 7 days.

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