Lyon (AFP)

Lyon, thanks to the boot of its opener Jonathan Wisniewski who passed seventeen points, won (22-18) against the leader, La Rochelle, Saturday at the Gerland stadium during the 11th day of the Top 14.

Thanks to this second consecutive success at home in six days, the Lyonnais, led at half-time (8-6), move up to fifth place in the standings, and bring their series of unbeaten matches to seven.

Despite everything, they remain under threat from Stade Français and Toulon, who face each other on Sunday in Paris.

La Rochelle leaves for its part with the defensive bonus point and keeps the lead in the standings ahead of Toulouse, winner in Bayonne (24-20).

As on November 29 against Stade Français, LOU Rugby, deprived of six players selected for the national team, has suffered for a long time against a La Rochelle team which has also been strongly overhauled.

But Lyon managed to win thanks to seventeen points from their opener Jonathan Wisniewski (one transformation, five penalties), who was playing his 200th match in the top flight.

Best director in activity, he now has 2,158 points registered at the highest level.

After giving his team the advantage in the score, thanks to two penalties, Wisniewski saw him gradually lose control of the ball and make some bad choices, like winger Toby Arnold (19th, 30th ), uninspired.

The Lyonnais cracked before and after half-time, on two similar actions.

Sanctioned near their line, Félix Lambey (37th) and Xavier Mignot (42nd) were punished with a temporary exclusion.

In the process, the Rochelais scored two attempts on balloons carried, through the young hooker Samuel Lagrange (37th, 42nd), to take the advantage (15-6).

This double blow to the head woke up the LOU, who passed a 13-0 in twenty minutes to his opponent, with a try from Xavier Mignot transformed by Wisniewski, who then passed two penalties (61st, 78th) to win on the end thanks to its solidity in direct conquest.

Despite a rejuvenated team, La Rochelle did honor to its rank but missed too many chances in the first period.

The leader may harbor regrets for not having managed to materialize his highlights with a forward on the line (21st), then a refused attempt at the 3rd line, Zeno Kieft wing for another prior advance in a ruck (33rd ).

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