
Munich (dpa) - Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has clearly criticized the crisis management of the German Football Association in the Joachim Löw case.

He does not want to interfere in the decision for the national coach, said the CEO of Bayern Munich on Saturday evening on Sky.

But if he is honest, “at the moment I have too much Oliver Bierhoff and too little Joachim Löw at the DFB”.

Instead of the national coach, the DFB director Bierhoff, who is responsible for the national teams, presented the sporting analysis after the desolate 0: 6 in Spain on Friday.

"If Bayern Munich play badly, the coach has to go to the press conference and not the sports director," said Rummenigge.

"He can explain that much less than the coach who hired the team."

After a 6-0 draw in Spain, “not only the journalists but also the fans want to have explained why and why a game went so wrong,” said Rummenigge.

The DFB announced last Monday after several conferences that Löw should continue to look after the national team.

“It's a bit of the problem of the DFB, there is no one in the entire presidium who is what you imagine as a football specialist,” said Rummenigge.

"You have to be satisfied with that in case of doubt."

Löw would be well advised to “deal with the overall situation a little more offensively and not as defensively”.

The 60-year-old is "rhetorically good and can explain well, then you will do it for him and hopefully things will get better in the future".

According to Bierhoff, Löw wants to speak out in the coming week.


Rummenigge did not want to evaluate whether the decision for Löw was the right one.

The 65-year-old Bayern boss said that you would "only know next summer after the European Championship" anyway.

FC Bayern Munich

German Football Association


National team


National team calendar