- I feel that it is my responsibility to inform about his death, says Rohail's mother Zarjan Naseer.

Although it has only been a week since her son died after receiving covid-19, she has told in several media about the incident.

She does not want parents to worry unnecessarily.

- Had he been a healthy child, he would have survived, she says.

Rohail was born in Pakistan in 2006.

- Everything was normal from the beginning.

He was fantastic, says Zarjan Naseer.

When Rohail was three years old, he still had not started talking.

A couple of years later it was discovered that he could not hear.

Zarjan Naseer felt that something was wrong.

Rohail then developed epilepsy and eventually lost the ability to walk and sit.

Rohail Naseer had Sanfilippo's disease which mainly attacks the brain, but also made his lungs weak.

Mother Zarjan cared for him at home.

Incurable disease

When Rohail was ten years old, the family moved to Oman.

The parents separated and Zarjan moved with his son to Sweden where they came in 2018.

Then he was diagnosed with Sanfilippo's disease.

It is an incurable disease due to an enzyme deficiency.

It mainly attacks the brain and also causes tissues and organs in the body to be gradually damaged.

Zarjan Naseer has taken care of his son at home.

- I checked on him four, five times a night and turned him so that he would not get hurt.

They had only lived in Uppsala for a month when Rohail died after receiving covid-19.

It was the same day he would have started school.

In the video above, Zarjan Naseer talks about his son and his death.