"We will seek firm guarantees that the states remaining in the OST will fulfill their obligations, firstly, to ensure the possibility of observing their entire territory and, secondly, on the non-transfer of materials of observation flights to third countries that are not OON participants," the statement said.

The ministry added that if the partners of Russia want the treaty to continue to operate, and Russia to remain a member of the Don, then they "should not hesitate to seriously think about what should be done to remove Russian concerns."

The Foreign Ministry stressed that neither European security nor the security of the United States and its allies benefited from the US withdrawal from the treaty. 

It is noted that "now many in the West are wondering what the reaction of Russia will be."

"The answer is simple.

We have repeatedly emphasized that all options are open to us.

We are carefully monitoring and analyzing how the words of the other parties to the Treaty correspond to their deeds, ”the Foreign Ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry added that, proceeding from the security interests of Russia and our allies, they will make appropriate decisions.

The United States will officially end its obligations under the Open Skies Treaty on November 22.