The Batholdi high school in Colmar.


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A mortar explosion in a corridor, nearly 900 students emergency evacuated from their establishment, dogs that search the premises and finally classes that resume in the afternoon.

Friday, November 13th was very eventful at the Lycée Bartholdi in Colmar.

Less than ten days later, a teenager admitted the facts, according to the public prosecutor of Colmar.

"This is a 16-year-old high school student, with no criminal record […] The minor was confused by material evidence and ended up acknowledging the facts," she wrote in a statement.

Prohibited from appearing in his former high school

Presented to the examining magistrate, he was indicted on charges of degradation by explosive device and willful violence in a school establishment.

Released, the teenager nonetheless remains subject to judicial control and will be tried later.

In the meantime, he is banned from going to his old establishment.


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  • Miscellaneous

  • Explosive

  • High school

  • Colmar