China News Online, November 14 (Chen Jing and Sun Guogen) "2019 Chinese Hospital Rankings", "2019 Chinese Hospital Specialty Reputation Rankings" and "2019 Chinese Hospital Specialties Comprehensive Rankings" were released here on the 14th.

  Peking Union Medical College Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University are among the top five in the comprehensive ranking of Chinese hospitals.

  This is a public welfare subject evaluation project carried out by the Institute of Hospital Management of Fudan University as an independent third party.

The Fudan version of the Chinese hospital rankings has been released for 11 consecutive years.

The review experts come from the Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, including the national directors and deputy directors of various clinical specialties, and the directors and deputy directors of the Youth Committee.

The number of selected specialties has increased from 27 at the beginning to 40 at present; starting from 2014, the ranking of hospitals in seven major regions in China has been added, which has an impact on the academic influence of regional medical centers, and patients are positive in seeking doctors nearby. Guiding role.

  Gao Jiechun, director of the Institute of Hospital Management of Fudan University, told reporters that the epidemic is the top priority of hospital development, the guarantee of medical quality, and the touchstone of discipline construction.

He bluntly said that despite the subjective efforts of some hospitals in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the objective results were not satisfactory, which exposed many "shortcomings."

All hospitals with a high level of discipline construction have demonstrated strong "integration of medicine and prevention" capabilities in response to emergencies, and have repeatedly built "combat merits."

  Gao Jiechun said that in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the specialties that have made "wonderful achievements" are among the best hospitals in the national specialties reputation rankings.

Leading figures in these departments, such as Zhong Nanshan, a respiratory expert from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Wang Chen from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Zhang Wenhong, an infectious disease expert from Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Li Lanjuan and Dongnan from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Qiu Haibo, an expert in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at Zhongda Hospital affiliated to the university, has become a household name hero.

  In Gao Jiechun's view, the best specialty of tertiary hospitals (large general hospitals) should have five major functions, such as undertaking the referral of difficult and critically ill patients; continuously improving the overall level of special diagnosis and treatment technology in related fields in China; and strong clinical research capabilities.

The core competitiveness of discipline construction is not only the number of scientific research results and SCI papers published, but the ability to solve clinical problems.
