Paris (AFP)

We will have to "live with the virus over the long term": Prime Minister Jean Castex is working on "rules" for the country until the arrival of a vaccine against the coronavirus, he tells the daily Le Saturday World.

"As long as we do not have a vaccine, we must give perspectives on the rules of the game," said the head of government, who presented the strategy on Thursday until the end of 2020 but is also working on the period beyond, possibly until 'in the summer.

"One thing is certain: festive, family gatherings in party rooms will not be able to resume for a long time. Likewise, bars and restaurants which are also part of places of strong contamination will not be able to reopen from December 1, unlike shops toys, for example, "he explains.

On Thursday, the Prime Minister deemed it possible, if the slight downward trend in coronavirus cases is confirmed, to take relief measures from December 1 "strictly limited to shops", and on the basis of a protocol reinforced.

In a tweet on Saturday, Emmanuel Macron estimated that "our fight against the epidemic is collective and the coming days will be decisive".

The Head of State recalls in this message the gestures to "save lives", "in class, at the office, at home".

In the coming months, "teleworking will have to continue, on the basis of a balance to be found in companies to avoid all or nothing", adds Mr. Castex to Le Monde.

On Monday, the American laboratories Pfizer and German BioNTech affirmed that their vaccine candidate was "90% effective" against Covid-19, according to the large-scale phase 3 trial underway, the last step before an application for approval, sparking a wave of hope in the world.

But the French government remains on its guard.

"The prospect of a vaccine is approaching. There is the Pfizer project, but also many others in the trial phase. You have to prepare while remaining cautious", judges Mr. Castex, who assures to have "already secured the orders".

"My fear is that the French are not getting enough vaccinations," he said.

According to an Ipsos poll published in September, France is among the countries where the intention to use the vaccine is the lowest.

They would thus be only 59% to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in France, against 74% at the global level.

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