It was a protracted demonstration held outside Värmdö town hall on Wednesday, from 8 in the morning to 21 in the evening.

At the same time, the City Council had a budget meeting in the building.

- It is a mourning manifestation for residents all over the municipality who feel that we are not listened to, says Pernilla Alexandersson, chairman of the association Värmdö's collected parents who organized the manifestation.

Different political opinions - the same criticism

From the beginning, the demonstration would be about the municipality's planned closure of Munkmoraskolan in Gustavsberg and the proposal to abolish grades 6-9 at the island schools on Runmarö, Möja and Svartsö.

Then Värmdö residents joined who believe that the citizen dialogue has been insufficient on other issues, such as the planned privatization of the art gallery.

- This is a broad, non-partisan group.

Our cause is strengthened by feeling this way in several different political issues, says Pernilla Alexandersson.

Collects signatures

The organizers are now collecting signatures for the next City Council meeting.

- The goal is 10 percent of the inhabitants so that we can force referendums, Pernilla Alexandersson.

On Wednesday, SVT tried to reach the municipal board chairman Deshira Flankör (M) for a comment.