In the United States, a "Veterans Day" without national unity

Donald Trump at Arlington Military Cemetery, Virginia on November 11, 2020. AP Photo / Patrick Semansky

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Donald Trump made his first public appearance on Wednesday, November 11, during an official outing on the occasion of Veterans Memorial Day.

This traditional event takes a very special turn this year because of the attitude of the American president who still vigorously contests his defeat which is however no doubt.


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Illustration of the divisions that cross the United States, outgoing President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden separately paid tribute to veterans on November 11.

For his first public appearance in more than a week and

the announcement of his defeat in the presidential election

, Donald Trump gathered at Arlington Cemetery in Virgina.

Joe Biden, he attended a ceremony at the Korean War Memorial in Philadelphia.

Know that I will be a commander-in-chief who will respect your sacrifice, understand your service and who will never betray the values ​​for which you fought valiantly,

 " the Democrat said on Twitter, as the two men refrained from making any statement during their simultaneous ceremonies.

A transition still blocked

Usually placed under the sign of national unity, this “Veterans Day” takes place this year in a chaotic context.

Because the outgoing president is still blocking

the transition with Joe Biden


reminds our correspondent in San Francisco, 

Éric de Salve


The White House is preventing the president-elect from accessing federal funds intended to finance the transition.

It also prevents Joe Biden from accessing daily intelligence agency briefings.

And in this contesting of the results, Donald Trump is largely supported by his party.

So far, more foreign heads of state have congratulated Joe Biden on his victory than Republican senators.

Trump's relatives are increasing the number of legal proceedings to denounce fraud, but his teams are unable to prove them.

At this stage, all their complaints are therefore dismissed by the courts.

Chaos also reigns in the Pentagon.

This Wednesday morning, Donald Trump appeared alongside his acting Defense Minister since

he sacked Mark Esper

with a simple tweet on Monday.

Since then, all heads have been falling one after the other in the Pentagon and this is causing great concern, because Donald Trump's intentions are very uncertain at the moment.


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  • United States

  • Donald trump

  • Joe biden

  • USA Elections 2020