Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, comprehensive reforms in the field of education have been comprehensively deepened

  Education that satisfies the people

  The number of students has increased from more than 500 in the past to 4179 today. The east campus of No. 2 Primary School, Wenyi Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City has spent a few years fighting a beautiful turnaround. It has gradually developed from a weak school facing the dilemma of losing students year by year. Become a good school in the hearts of the people.

All this stems from the reform of the school-running model with group school running as the main starting point.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that education is a major plan of the country and the party.

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party, the Party Central Committee has made a series of strategic arrangements for deepening comprehensive reforms in the education field.

Through comprehensively deepening the comprehensive reform of the education field, systematically promoting the reform of education methods, school running models, management systems, and security mechanisms, the main framework of the socialist education system with Chinese characteristics has been basically established, and some institutional and institutional obstacles that have long restricted the development of education have been solved. A large number of grassroots reforms and innovations are constantly emerging, and the landscape of education is undergoing structural changes.

  Educate people for the party and the country

  The education system for comprehensive training of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor is further improved

  During the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Beijing organized a group of famous teachers from universities and colleges to launch "Learning from Experience-Public Course on Epidemic Prevention and Control". Many colleges and universities included it in the situation and policy courses to clarify doubts for students.

  Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the national education system has insisted on guiding the education work with Xi Jinping’s socialist thoughts with Chinese characteristics in the new era, fulfilling the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and cultivating newcomers who are responsible for national rejuvenation.

Systemically promote Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics into teaching materials, classrooms, and minds, vigorously promote the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and promote the strengthening of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era, through innovation, and build strength The College of Marxism in Universities will comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political work in schools of all levels and types.

Students have deepened their understanding and gained growth in the study of ideological and political courses. The "four consciousnesses" have been continuously strengthened, the "four confidences" have become firmer, the "two safeguards" have become more conscious, and they are full of confidence in the future of the country and the realization of the Chinese dream.

  The vast number of primary and secondary school teachers across the country deeply understand the important principles of "moral education first, comprehensive development, face to all, and unity of knowledge and action", vigorously develop quality education, and promote the comprehensive development of students' morality, intelligence, physical education, and art.

  Schools across the country have actively deepened the integration of sports and education, and established 27,059 campus football schools. The passing rate of national student physical fitness standards has increased for five consecutive years. More than 1,500 schools and 106 inheritance bases of Chinese excellent traditional culture have been built.

Comprehensively promote labor education, organize and implement various labor practices, and educate and guide students to love labor, respect labor, and uphold labor.

  “In 2013, the school’s outstanding physical fitness rate was less than 30%. This year’s outstanding rate has exceeded 53%, and the compliance rate has exceeded 99%.” Chen Lihua, principal of Beijing Chaoyang District Experimental Primary School, introduced.

  Liu Kexin, a fourth-grade student at Jinsui School in Ruijin City, Jiangxi Province, likes the school’s labor education curriculum very much. She happily said: "I have experienced the hardships of labor and the joy of harvest."

  "Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reform of the examination and enrollment system has been steadily advanced, and the examination content system has been established to promote the overall development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. The compilation work has been completed and put into use in 20 provinces, 98 kinds of Marxist theoretical research and construction project key textbooks have been published and used, and the textbook construction has truly become a "soul casting project"." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education introduced.

  Facing difficulties, reform and innovation

  Further improvement of educational governance capabilities and levels

  Talking about the "Several Opinions on Further Stimulating the Vitality of Primary and Secondary Schools" issued a few days ago, the head of Huanggang Middle School in Hubei Province, He Lantian, was upset: "This is a specific measure to deepen the reform of education's decentralization, regulation, and service. Fully stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of principal teachers in teaching and educating people."

  In the past, excessive management, insufficient incentives, insufficient guarantees, and imperfect management mechanisms were prominent problems that affected and restricted the vitality of primary and secondary schools.

Nowadays, the school's autonomy in running schools has been further implemented, and the situation of "one thousand schools and one person" has been effectively eliminated.

Huanggang Middle School has built classrooms in more than 40 subjects including the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, rockets and satellites. It has innovatively launched more than 50 science and technology, experiment, and humanities elective courses and carried out class teaching. Each student has a personalized timetable, forming Own school characteristics.

  In the comprehensive reform of the education field, we must grasp the key areas and key links, and strive to remove the system and mechanism obstacles that restrict the development of education.

Starting from the issues that the people are most concerned about, starting from the most difficult areas to change, a series of top-level design plans have been released one after another, and the system, integrity, and coordination of the education reform have been significantly enhanced.

  The reporter learned during the interview: In the past few years, the education management system has been reformed, and the ability and level of education governance have been further improved.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a total of 16 educational administrative approval items have been cancelled or delegated.

Deepen the reform of the education supervision system in the new era, improve the national education supervision and accountability system, and 99% of counties (cities, districts) implement responsibility supervision of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

Support and standardize the development of private education, clean up and standardize off-campus training institutions, and basically complete rectification of problematic institutions.

Further accelerate and expand the opening up of education in the new era, and sign agreements on mutual recognition of higher education qualifications with 54 countries.

  In the past few years, we have deepened the reform of the construction of teachers in the new era, and the quality and professionalism of teachers have been further improved.

Improve the long-term mechanism for the construction of teacher ethics, promote the establishment of the national honorary title of "People's Educator", and issue honorary certificates to 4 million rural teachers who have been teaching for more than 30 years. The social atmosphere of respecting teachers and respecting education has become stronger.

Improve the teacher career development mechanism, implement the rural teacher support plan in depth, and benefit 1.3 million teachers in more than 80,000 rural schools.

Construct a high-level teacher training system, implement a teacher education revitalization action plan, and continuously grow the team of high-quality innovative talents.

  In the past few years, the construction of education guarantee mechanism has been strengthened day by day.

Since 2012, the national fiscal expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP has continued to remain above 4%. Educational informatization has accelerated. The Internet access rate of primary and secondary schools (including teaching points) across the country has reached 99.7%. The school has made solid progress, and the basic support for educational development has been further consolidated.

  Optimal configuration benefits the people

  The results of education reform will benefit all people more equitably

  Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, by optimizing the allocation of educational resources, the results of educational reform have benefited all the people more equitably.

  ——Promote the deepening reform and standardized development of preschool education, and increase the number of public parks and inclusive private parks through multiple channels. The gross enrollment rate of preschool education in 2019 increased by 15.9% compared with 2013, effectively alleviating the "difficulties in entering kindergartens" and "expensive admission" problem.

  —— Coordinate and promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education. As of the end of 2019, 95.3% of counties (cities, districts) have achieved a basically balanced development of compulsory education.

The national compulsory education stage large class size dropped to 3.64%, achieving the work target one year ahead of schedule.

In 24 major cities across the country, the proportion of students enrolled in nearby places without exams has reached 98.6%, and the “school choice fever” has significantly cooled down.

  —— Speed ​​up filling up the gaps in regional education development, resolutely win the battle against poverty in education, do a solid job in controlling dropouts, and accurately solve the dropout problem of about 200,000 students from poor families who have established files.

Implement a special plan for key colleges and universities to recruit students from rural and impoverished areas, and support a collaborative plan for enrollment in the central and western regions to enhance rural students' enrollment opportunities.

  ——Continue to improve the protection mechanism for special groups, and implement the local entrance examination policy for the children of migrant workers in cities. In 2020, there will be 256,000 children with migrants taking the college entrance examination in the inflow places.

The education opportunities of disabled persons will be expanded, and the enrollment rate of compulsory education for school-age disabled children is nearly 93%.

Improve the national subsidy policy system for students with financial difficulties covering all school stages. In 2019, 105,907,900 students were assisted nationwide, with a subsidy amount of 212.6 billion yuan.

In-depth implementation of the nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, covering 1,762 counties in 29 provinces, benefiting 40,608,200 students.

  At the same time, the ability to support the building of a modern and powerful socialist country has been significantly enhanced by improving the mechanism of education and serving economic and social development.

Optimize the structure of higher education, coordinate the promotion of the construction of world-class universities and first-class disciplines, and drive higher education to improve quality and meet the major needs of services; enhance the scientific research and innovation capabilities of universities, deploy and build 14 cutting-edge science centers, 11 key core technology integration platforms, 38 national-level collaborative innovation centers; promote the transformation and upgrading of the vocational education service industry. As of 2019, more than 1,400 vocational education groups have been established across the country, closely contacting nearly 30,000 companies, covering more than 70% of vocational colleges; focusing on graduation from colleges and universities Employment work provides strong talent support for economic and social development...

  Strengthen Party Building and Perfect Mechanism

  Ensuring that education reform is moving in the right direction

  In June of this year, the university’s party organization’s anti-epidemic demonstration micro-party class was launched. The party committee secretaries and grassroots party organization secretaries of four universities, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology gave the first micro-party class. More than 3.8 million college teachers and students Netizens who care about education watch online at the same time.

  Many secretaries of grassroots party organizations in colleges and universities stated that they have received profound party spirit training and spiritual baptism through the study of the micro-party class, and they have a better understanding of the party's overall leadership and the significant advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

  Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the education system has adhered to the party's overall leadership of education, making the education field a strong position to uphold the party's leadership.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education, on the one hand, all localities have promoted the improvement of the party’s leadership system for education, promoted the improvement of the provincial party committee’s education work leading group and its offices, improved the working rules and operating mechanism, and established and improved the unified leadership of the party committee and the party government. Work together to manage the education leadership system where each department is responsible.

On the other hand, comprehensively strengthen party building in the education system, take party political building as the command, adhere to and improve the principal responsibility system under the leadership of college party committees, and basically achieve full coverage of party organizations and party work at all levels and types of schools.

  During the interview, the reporter learned that Hunan and other places have formulated a list of responsibilities for the education work of leading group members, Anhui and other places have established an annual report system for leading group members to perform their education duties, and Beijing and other places have formulated several measures to strengthen the party’s political construction and party building work in colleges and universities. The list of key tasks is included in the assessment of the party organization secretary’s work on party building and comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

  Universities in various places adhere to and improve the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee, formulate and revise the decision-making rules of the party committee standing committee, the president’s office, college (department) party organization meetings, party and government joint meetings, and establish three levels of schools, colleges and departments, and party branches The party building debriefing, appraisal and appraisal system, the grassroots party building has been promoted steadily and effectively.

  "We must put the main tone of'strict' throughout the school management, ensure that the party style, school style and academic style are clean, and provide a strong guarantee for promoting school reform and development and running a satisfactory education for the people." Tsinghua University Party Secretary Chen Xu said.

  Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, comprehensive reforms in the field of education have been comprehensively deepened, the Chinese characteristics of education have become more distinctive, the modernization of education has accelerated, the people's sense of education has increased significantly, and the development of education reform has stood at a new historical starting point.

Today, the recommendations on the "14th Five-Year Plan" approved by the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of my country provide basic guidelines for the scientific planning of educational development and the acceleration of educational modernization in China.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education said that facing the new situation and responding to new demands, the education system will anchor the goal of building a strong education nation by 2035, centering on the high-quality development of education, and striving forward into a new era and starting a new journey!

  Our reporter Zhao Nana Zhang Shuo Wu Yue