On Saturday, November 7, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden declared himself elected head of state.

“America, it is a great honor for me to be chosen to lead our great country.

We have hard work ahead of us, but I promise you this: I will be the president of all Americans, whether you voted for me or not.

I will live up to the hopes placed on me, ”he wrote on his Twitter page.

America, I'm honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.

The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans - whether you voted for me or not.

I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.


- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 7, 2020

He also noted that he was "flattered" by the trust that the American people placed in him "and in Vice President-elect Kamala Harris."

In addition, Biden also said that "with the end of the election race, it is time for our country to leave behind anger and harsh rhetoric and rally." 

The politician is expected to address the nation at 20:00 (4:00 Moscow time).

According to the American media, news of Joe Biden's alleged victory (the election results have not yet been officially announced) caused a violent reaction among his supporters - in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Washington, Americans are already celebrating the victory of the Democratic Party candidate.

Despite the fact that the official results of the presidential elections in the United States have not yet been announced, Biden has already been congratulated on his victory by several Western politicians, including French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, head German Foreign Ministry Heiko Maas, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and a number of others.

The preliminary results of the US presidential campaign were also assessed by the speaker of the House of Representatives of the Congress Nancy Pelosi, who called Biden's possible victory "historic".

We will remind, earlier several American media, including CNN, NBC, AP and Fox News, reported on the victory of Joe Biden in the elections.

According to them, the Democratic candidate received more than 270 electoral votes - enough to win.

"The elections are far from over"

The incumbent head of the White House, in turn, issued an official statement, which says that "legally cast votes decide who will become president, not news organizations."

“We all know why Joe Biden is in a hurry to unfairly pass himself off as the winner, and why the media friendly to him are trying their best to help him: they do not want the truth to come out.

It's very simple - these elections are far from over.

Joe Biden has yet to be officially declared a winner in any of the states, let alone highly hesitant states with mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign team has legitimate legal claims that could pinpoint the ultimate winner. " - Trump said.

According to the American leader, his campaign headquarters "will begin to consider the case in court in order to ensure full compliance with the rules of electoral law and make sure that the rightful winner becomes the president."

“I will not rest until the honest vote counting that they deserve and that democracy demands is done for American citizens,” Trump said.

Note that earlier in his Twitter, the head of the White House reported on violations during the elections.

“Tens of thousands of votes illegally passed after 8:00 pm on Election Day Tuesday, dramatically and easily change the voting results in Pennsylvania and several other states with a small gap between candidates.

I would also like to note that observers, in violation of the law, were not allowed to the process of counting hundreds of thousands of votes ... "- stated Trump. 

According to him, "it can also affect the outcome of the vote in many states, including Pennsylvania."

  • US Presidential Election, Wisconsin

  • Reuters

  • © Bing Guan

It's also worth noting that before Biden announced his victory, Trump tweeted that he won the election "by a wide margin."

The current US president also stressed that he expects to regain leadership in a number of states following the results of court proceedings.

“On the evening of election day, I had such a big lead in all these states, but after a few days it disappeared inexplicably.

Perhaps, as our litigation progresses, this gap will return, "the head of the White House wrote on his Twitter page.

Subsequently, the lawyer of the American leader, Rudolph Giuliani, said that Trump's team had about 90 witnesses in the election-related lawsuits.


As reported by the New York Post, the Republican Party previously filed a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court to prevent Pennsylvania officials from taking any action with ballots received in the mail after election day. 

As a result, the court temporarily ordered the Pennsylvania election and counting officials to separate all ballots that arrived in the mail after voting day.

"All ballots received by mail after 20:00 on November 3 must be separated and contained in a" safe, secure and sealed container separate from other ballots, "and votes on all such ballots, if counted, should be counted separately," it said in a court order.

Previously, Trump's campaign headquarters clarified that they intend in Pennsylvania to "suppress the actions of officials responsible for organizing the elections and belonging to the Democratic Party, seeking to hide the process of counting and processing votes from Republican observers."

As Trump's deputy chief of staff, Justin Clark, said in an official statement, the American leader is seeking to "suspend the counting until real transparency is ensured and Republicans can ensure that all counting is done fairly and in accordance with the law."

Clarke also noted at the time that the headquarters will seek to get Trump to act as a party in the Supreme Court case, which concerns the timing of receipt of ballots submitted by mail.

The headquarters of the current head of state also filed a lawsuit to suspend the counting of votes in Michigan, but this has already been rejected.

A similar document requiring all counties in the state to "separate all late arrivals from all legally cast ballots" was filed in Georgia.

  • U.S. Supreme Court

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  • © Erin Scott

"A word behind the judicial system"

Meanwhile, as analysts note, despite the announced preliminary election results, the official results have not yet been summed up.

“The vote count has not been completed yet.

The procedure must be completed.

The word is still for the judicial system.

It is too early to draw unambiguous conclusions, "said Andrey Sidorov, head of the department of international organizations and world political processes at the Faculty of World Politics at Moscow State University, in an interview with RT.

From his point of view, "the probability of stuffing after November 3 has really increased."

“Therefore, the Republicans proceed from the fact that most of the ballots sent by mail, especially those that came after the polling stations were closed, should be canceled,” the analyst explained.

He also believes that the decisions of the Supreme Court "can really act as a factor in Trump's favor."

“The Supreme Court can play a certain role in this, since it has the right to refuse to recognize elections in individual states, to order a recount of votes and invalidate those ballots that came to the polls after November 3.

If all this happens, the situation in individual states may change in favor of Trump, "the expert predicted.

However, according to him, "the Republicans and the head of the White House must have good reason and evidence so that this authority can make a number of positive decisions for Trump."

“It is possible that the lawyers of the American leader will be able to find evidence of violations, since, according to various sources, this year there were a lot of them.

And they can be regarded as falsifications, ”says Sidorov.

  • Oval Office, White House

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  • © Carlos Barria

At the same time, the analyst drew attention to the "serious trump card" that the Democrats have.

“This is a street that is very active, including for Biden.

Demanding democrats to take every vote into account is intended to exert pressure, including on the judiciary and the political establishment, ”the expert noted.

At the same time, according to him, Trump is now "fighting for power in all convenient ways and will continue in the same spirit."

“Democrats also want to push the incumbent head of the White House out of the presidency at any cost, so the stakes are extremely high,” Sidorov said.

As Konstantin Blokhin, a researcher at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, emphasized in an interview with RT, Trump is now "demonstrating that he will fight for every vote, go to court and challenge the results."

“He seeks to show that the Democrats are playing a dishonest game at the expense of massive falsifications, using the voices of“ dead souls, ”and voting several times.

The incumbent head of the White House will go to the end, ”the analyst concluded.