National asset thawing fraud crimes have a long history

  People over 60 years old become the main victims

  □ Our reporter Yu Dongming

  □ Zhang Haiyan, an intern of our newspaper

  "The elderly in the Republic of China have huge sums of money overseas and need to initiate non-governmental organizations to raise funds to unfreeze national assets." "'Fuxing No. 1'targeted poverty alleviation. Participants can receive special funds for poverty alleviation, only 100,000 people." Some involved "national assets." "Unfreeze" scams and lies are quietly circulating in some WeChat groups, among which the elderly have become the main targets of spread.

  Recently, the Shanghai procuratorial organ publicly announced that hundreds of thousands of people have been defrauded in such cases. Although the single amount of fraud is less than 100 yuan, the amount involved is huge.

  The undertaking prosecutor told the reporter of "Rules of Law Daily" that the crime of national asset thawing fraud has been around for a long time, but with the development of mobile internet technology, such scams continue to change their methods and renovate their so-called charity, poverty alleviation, investment, pension, etc. The project was widely disseminated through online social platforms, enticing a large number of people who did not know the truth to be deceived, mainly the elderly.

  National Asset Unfreezing Scam

  Use the Internet to spread

  Established the "Pakatan Rakyat Foundation", drafted the "Articles of the National Unfreezing Assets Joint Development Charity Foundation", self-appointed "General President", "Secretary to the President", "Executive Vice President" and "Team Leader", with a "Secretariat" under it "Publicity" and "Finance Department"... In a case of ethnic assets unfreezing fraud handled by the People's Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai, the criminal group fabricated that the elderly in the Republic of China had huge assets overseas, falsely claiming that they needed to unfreeze the start-up funds and transfer them back for domestic use. For poverty alleviation.

This statement is passed on through WeChat and word of mouth, recruiting members across the country, as long as 15 yuan can join the "Pakatan Rakyat Foundation", if a certain amount of money can be invested in unfreezing national assets.

More than 600,000 people were caught in it, and eventually the funds defrauded reached hundreds of millions.

  Relevant historical data show that the so-called "thaw of national assets" is true.

In May 1979, the governments of China and the United States signed the "Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America on Settlement of Asset Requirements" in Beijing. According to this agreement, the assets of mainland Chinese residents and units frozen by the US government will be subject to the US government All thawed on October 1, 1979.

Subsequently, the State Council issued an order that without the consent of the Bank of China, no individual or unit shall withdraw, sell or transfer US dollar assets that have been unfrozen by the US government and have not been collectively recovered by the Bank of China.

  But since the 1980s, this policy has been used by some lawbreakers, and various types of fraud have arisen.

The guise of so-called "national assets" has evolved from the huge assets left overseas by senior Kuomintang generals to the treasures hidden in the mountains for the restoration of future dynasties when the dynasties died.

The types of counterfeit treasures have also expanded from Jiang’s counterfeit banknotes and the counterfeit "U.S. dollar four deer paper" to foreign waste currency, huge US dollar fake deposit receipts, and counterfeit withdrawal tokens.

  According to reports, this seemingly absurd statement is that in order to lure the masses into the game, the principal fraudsters often set up fictitious non-governmental organizations, claiming to be entrusted by the government to mobilize the people to secretly unfreeze these assets, but a certain amount of unfreezing funds is needed to recruit members to recruit members. The way to invest in shares, and falsely claim that once the freeze is released, members will have huge returns.

  "In the past 20 years, this type of scam has hardly stopped, and tens of thousands of people have been deceived every time an incident occurs. Now this scam has been plugged into the'wings' of the Internet, and the scope and scale of the damage have increased significantly, and the scam has been escalating and has evolved. It is a mixed type of crime that integrates current affairs politics, pyramid schemes, and fraud." said Xu Jing, prosecutor of the Minhang District Procuratorate.

  Falsifying government agency documents

  Specifically for the elderly

  After the National Day this year, the Hongkou Public Security Bureau was connected to report the case. Someone used WeChat groups to develop members and illegally absorb deposits in the form of MLM fission under the name of "the state grants poverty alleviation funds".

  After investigation, the police found that the fraud gang used the fictitious "Bank of China Council", forged government agency documents, under the guise of major national policies, and then used WeChat, Alipay and other instant payment channels to integrate "Internet + current affairs politics + MLM brainwashing + military management". Committing crimes as one.

  "Such criminal methods are suspected to be pyramid schemes. They are managed according to the regional levels and implement hierarchical reporting and hierarchical control." Sun Kai, the prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Hongkou District, Shanghai, told the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily. Because of the low barriers to participation and the expected large benefits, it was extremely confusing. Sexual and seductive.

In these different cases, people over 60 years old became the main victims, and some were both victims and scam organizers.

  "Old people stay at home, have little communication with the outside world, and have little ability to screen and discern information. Such frauds often only need to pay tens or hundreds of yuan, but they can promise huge returns. Many elderly people often participate in it with luck. , And then use the network resources accumulated over the years to attract more people into the game." Said Kai Sun.

  In the above-mentioned cases, the criminal suspects have experienced multiple frauds and operated many scams similar to fund projects.

  "Although this type of crime has the form of MLM and fission crimes, it is essentially different from illegally absorbing public deposits and MLM activities. MLM is supported in kind, and illegal fundraising also has investment projects directed at it, but such cases are pure lies and fraud. People, criminals do not come into contact with the victim, and the funds defrauded are often realized through multiple transfers. The criminal evidence is difficult to fix and the handling is very difficult." Xu Jing said.

  Stay alert and stay away from scams

  Avoid economic losses

  In August last year, the "Two Highs One" issued the "Opinions on Punishing Ethnic Assets Unfreezing Fraud and Related Crimes in accordance with the Law", which clarified the evidence standards for the behind-the-scenes organizers, participants and instigators of ethnic assets unfreezing criminal activities. Among them, it highlights the concept of “leniency and strictness”.

  “For higher-level agents who have participated in many times, have developed down the line, have not changed after repeated education, and are obsessed with not understanding, resolutely punish them in accordance with the law. For ordinary people who have been deceived and deceived to participate in fraudulent activities such as the thawing of national assets, they will fight against a very small number of "Education saves the majority' principle, through publicity and education, let them see the fraudulent methods of scammers, no longer be deceived, and no longer participate in various illegal and criminal activities organized by fraud gangs." Kai said.

  The "Pakatan Rakyat Foundation" case arrested more than 40 people. The court has tried 3 batches of 23 defendants. The principal culprit Li XX was sentenced to 14 years and 6 months in prison, deprived of political rights for four years, and fined. Two million yuan; the remaining defendants were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from eleven to one year, and fined accordingly.

  The 19 persons involved in the "Fuxing No. 1" case have been sentenced. The principal culprit Li Moumou was sentenced to 13 years in prison and a fine of 200,000 yuan; the accomplices were sentenced to ranging from one to five years. fine.

People involved in the case will be prosecuted later.

  The prosecutor reminded that there will be no pie in the sky. Anyone who pays people under the banner of a similar national asset thaw, no matter how much money is, it is a fraud.

The state distributes poverty alleviation and relief funds through official channels and uses public accounts.

Therefore, for investment and financial projects that claim that low-cost investment of tens of yuan or hundreds of yuan can make tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of yuan, and transfer funds to personal accounts, the general public, especially the elderly Friends must be vigilant and keep their eyes open to avoid undue economic losses.