Paris (AFP)

To secure organ and tissue donation, the search for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus by the PCR test with a sample from the nose remains the reference test in living donors, according to the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) .

After evaluating the various test methods (saliva, antigen ...) the HCSP maintains that the RT-PCR test by nasal swab must be used prior to donations, in a notice published on Monday.

The sample can be taken from the throat in case of contraindication to the sample from the nose because of a nasal pathology or the categorical opposition of a donor or a donor of a "rare graft", for example example cord blood stem cells which can be used for the treatment of blood cancers (leukaemias, lymphomas, etc.).

The Biomedicine Agency (ABM), which is launching a campaign from November 9 to 22 on living kidney donation to a loved one, has reported particular difficulties regarding donations of cord blood and amniotic membranes used to donate transplants on injured corneas.

This "fairly critical situation" also affects donations of femoral heads, removed during the implantation of a total hip prosthesis, intended for bone banks for bone grafting.

Sampling teams report refusals to take a swab in the nose and difficulties in setting up these samples in some establishments, adds the ABM without being able to quantify these problems.

"This reported lack of screening for Covid-19 in a surgical or obstetrical environment remains surprising, however, given the recommendations of learned societies in these specialties to systematically resort to this screening on an individual basis, even in the absence of a donation", comments the HCSP in his opinion.

In addition, in deceased donors, a vital emergency (heart or liver transplant) constitutes a derogatory situation for the detection of Covid-19 in the donor, "subject to notifying the transplant teams and the recipient". .

The previous confinement was detrimental to the activity of organ transplants, in particular of kidneys.

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