Unexpected visitors appeared at the'Pumpkin Exhibition' held at an American elementary school, devastating the site.

On the 26th of the local time, foreign media such as ABC of the United States reported that a'questionable incident' took place after an exhibition was held in autumn at an elementary school in North Carolina.

Edneyville Elementary School recently received dozens of pumpkins from local farmers.

The students who were excited to see the pumpkins of various sizes and colors made wonderful'works' by stacking pumpkins in the empty lot in front of the school, and decorated the piles of pumpkins with cornstalks, haystacks, and flower pots.

But a few days later, the teachers who visited the school were amazed at the scenery in front of them.

The pumpkins that had been piled up well up to the day before were disastrously broken, and some were even broken.

At a glance, it was not a mistake, but a deliberate act.

Principal Marsha Justice finally checked the CCTV installed at the school.

Justice, who was nervous about what the students were doing, quickly smiled, because the identity of the killer who appeared in the video was none other than a cow.

One by one, the cows gathered in the pile of pumpkins quickly increased to 11, and they began to eat children's'works' without hesitation.

The school shared this pleasant news on social media and added, "If you would like to recognize the bullies in the picture, please let us know."

Fortunately, cows were more interested in the corn husks and hay used for decoration than the pumpkins, and most of them were said to be reusable.

Netizens responded that it was fun, saying, "It's a really cute story," "I'm glad the criminals were caught soon", and "I think it would have been a more enjoyable memory for children.

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='Edneyville Elementary School' Facebook)