Food industry manufacturers have prepared stock for possible future re-containment.

Last spring, sales of pasta had increased by 100% and the State had to release emergency reserves, normally intended for export.

The contaminations curve raises fears of a hardening of the measures taken to fight against the coronavirus pandemic, or even a re-containment.

Last spring, as confinement approached, supermarkets had been robbed of certain products, including pasta.

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100% increase in pasta sales

This time, the food industry was able to anticipate.

For example, the pasta maker Panzani increased its sales to supermarkets by 30% in October.

"The large distribution has stocks and we also have stocks. This time, we will be much more serene. Things are well managed. There will be enough wheat to ensure the entire production", assured President of Panzani Xavier Riescher, Monday at the microphone of Europe 1.

Last spring, pasta sales were up 100% as the wheat harvest was completed and stocks were sold.

The State then released emergency reserves, normally intended for export.

This time, producers and distributors have anticipated pasta, but also rice, flour and even soup.