• Towards a new Dpcm.

    Governors write to government: "Close shopping malls on weekends"

  • Covid, Conte: "Protecting health to protect the economy".

    "Complex upcoming weeks"

  • Lockdown in Naples, clashes in the first night of curfew


24 October 2020

The wait on the Dpcm rises with the new anti-Covid measures.

The doubts that emerged in the confrontation carried out in these hours, not only within the majority, but also in the confrontation with the Regions, would have lengthened the time.

For this reason, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte should sign and illustrate the new anti-Covid measures no longer this evening, but tomorrow.

Among the points still under discussion is the stop for restaurants at 6 pm, the ban on moving between Regions and Dad at 100%. 

Meanwhile, in the evening the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces resumed.

The confrontation had been suspended today to give the


ministries time to

check the economic profiles of the refreshment points for the categories most affected by the new squeeze and to start the confrontation with the parliamentary forces and with the Regions.

The meeting is in progress, while the premier's press conference, which was initially scheduled for 20.30 this evening, has been postponed.

The doubts that have emerged on various measures contained in the Dpcm and on some that, while not appearing in the text, could enter the Cesarini area, among these the prohibition of movement between the Regions, which nevertheless records strong perplexities, slow down the roadmap.

The hypotheses in the field

Stop the

activity of

gyms, swimming pools


game rooms


advance closing time

for the




According to what is learned from various government sources, these are the two main interventions to curb the increase in infections that were discussed this morning in the meeting between the premier and the heads of the majority delegation.

Measures that could be contained in the new Dpcm.

The advance of the closure of the premises, it is still learned, however, would not lead to an advance of the curfew in terms of driving ban.

During the meeting there was also talk of the

possible reinstatement of the ban on travel between the Regions

, but it has not yet been decided whether or not the measure will enter the decree.

"Starting from 26 October 2020,

the activities of the catering services

(including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops) are suspended on Sundays and public holidays; on other days they are allowed from 5.00 to 18.00."

provides for a first draft of the Dpcm.

This is a document being defined and executive sources specify that, in view of the final one, the measures could change.

The draft provides that, after 6 pm, the consumption of food and drinks in public places and open to the public is prohibited, while catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with hygiene and health regulations.

Catering with takeaway is allowed until midnight, with a ban on consumption on the spot or nearby.

Then there is the possible

stop at theaters, cinemas, casinos, concert halls


"The activities of game rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls and casinos are suspended. Shows open to the public in theatrical halls, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, even outdoors, are suspended.

Parties are prohibited

in indoor places and outdoors, including those resulting from

civil and religious ceremonies


Museums open, but a distance of at least one meter


"The public opening service of museums and other cultural institutes and places" is guaranteed "on condition that said institutes and places, taking into account the size and characteristics of the premises open to the public, as well as the flows of visitors (more or less than 100,000 per year), guarantee modalities of limited use or in any case such as to avoid gatherings of people and to allow visitors to respect the distance between them of at least one meter ".


activities of the theme and amusement parks



; children and teenagers are allowed access to places intended for the performance of playful, recreational and educational activities, including non-formal ones, indoors or in the open air, with the aid of operators to be entrusted in custody and with the obligation to adopt specific safety protocols prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Department for family policies ".

As for the school chapter,

in high school people think of Dad at 75%


"Without prejudice to the fact that the didactic and educational activities for the first cycle of education and for educational services for children continue to take place in the presence, to counter the spread of the infection, subject to communication to the Ministry of Education by the regional authorities , local or health care situations of critical and particular risk situations referring to specific territorial contexts, secondary school institutions of the second degree adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities by increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, for a share equal to 75% of activities, further modulating the management of pupils' entry and exit times, also through the possible use of afternoon shifts and providing that entry does not take place before 9 am in any case. 

Public and private competitions are

likely to


, excluding ongoing procedures and those for healthcare personnel from the suspension.

"Public and private competition procedures are suspended, with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively on curricular and / or telematic basis".

The suspension does not include those for healthcare and civil protection personnel.

Furthermore, "the procedures in progress and those for which specific organizational protocols validated by the Technical Scientific Committee exist".

Recommended not to move from your municipality. 

"It is strongly recommended to all natural persons not to move, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or home, except for proven work or study needs, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality ". 

In addition,

the squares can be closed from 9

pm, except for access to open shops and to your home.

"The streets or squares in urban centers, where congestion situations can be created, can be closed to the public after 9 pm, without prejudice to the possibility of access, and outflow, to legitimate businesses and private homes" .

"With regard to

private homes

, it is strongly recommended

not to receive people other than cohabitants

, except for proven work needs or situations of necessity and urgency".