“The detention of Roman Bobkov, director of the branch of TsENKI JSC, the Vostochny space center, will in no way affect the cosmodrome construction schedule.

The construction is proceeding according to the schedule, "RIA Novosti reports.

Roscosmos is assisting the investigation in the investigation, added the state corporation.

Roman Bobkov was arrested for two months on suspicion of incitement to abuse of office and official forgery.

The head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin fired the head of the Vostochny cosmodrome directorate Evgeny Rogozu.

In addition, following the results of hearing reports at a production meeting at the cosmodrome, reprimands were made to TsENKI General Director Andrey Okhlopkov and TsENKI Chief Engineer Vladimir Zhuk.