Jean Castex wants to create a -


"We can no longer bring ourselves to passively witness the unleashing of hatred on social networks," said Jean Castex during the session of questions to the government.

After the murder of Professor Samuel Paty in Conflans, the Prime Minister intends to "take up the subject" of online hatred by creating a "crime of endangering the publication of personal data" on the Internet.

The majority had tried to tackle this issue through a bill from LREM deputy Laetitia Avia, largely rejected by the Constitutional Council.

"The censorship of the Constitutional Council must lead us to take up this subject in another form," continued Jean Castex, estimating that "it is because he was designated by social networks that Samuel Paty was assassinated".

"Concern about the impact of social networks"

Teachers from the Bois d'Aulne college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine also expressed in a press release Tuesday their "deep concern about the impact of social networks" after the assassination of their colleague.

Interested by several presidents of parliamentary groups - Patrick Mignola (MoDem), Valérie Rabault (PS), Damien Abad (LR), Christophe Castaner (LREM), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) and André Chassaigne (PCF) - after the beheading of the teacher, the Prime Minister denounced "any ambiguity" towards radical Islamism, which would amount to "a beginning of renunciation".

"We are also paying the price of a relaxation"

The "enemy is radical Islamism, it is a permanent threat, a threat which can come from outside, but which can also, I say it bluntly, recruit these killers from among our own compatriots", he stressed.

"We are also paying the price of a relaxation, but today, the time has come for action", insisted Jean Castex by setting up in "priority" the "protection of the personnel of the National Education".

The Prime Minister also assured to want "to give additional means to the Ministry of the Interior", without further details.

"Our intelligence services, which are on the front line on this subject, have been consolidated, reorganized, as never before, and we are going to move up a gear", added the head of government, who said he wanted to "immediately assign reinforcements to the services responsible for monitoring radical Islamism on social networks ”.

By the Web

Attack in Conflans: Is the return of the law against online hatred possible and necessary?


Conflans attack: What risk the authors of the 80 messages of support for the terrorist?

  • Internet

  • Laetitia Avia

  • Conflans attack

  • Miscellaneous

  • Social networks

  • Jean Castex