Earlier this year, the FBI managed to track down the militia group, which is accused of planning to storm Michigan's convention building and kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer, reports the BBC.

The plan was for 200 people to take part in the attack that would take place before the presidential election in November, and for the governor to be "held accountable for treason".

"Several members of the group talked about murdering 'tyrants' or kidnapping a sitting governor," according to the court document obtained by the BBC.

Democrat Gretchen Whitmer has been criticized for the harsh corona restrictions she has imposed on the state.

Right-wing extremist groups, which have demanded that the restrictions be lifted, have, among other things, staged protests outside the congress building.

It is suspected to have manufactured several bombs

According to the FBI, the thirteen people suspected of involvement in the planned kidnapping have organized weapons training in several states and on various occasions tried to make bombs.

The evidence contains recordings from a secret meeting that took place after the FBI managed to infiltrate the group.

At a news conference, Gretchen Whitmer linked the planned attack on her to the support expressed by President Donald Trump for the armed protesters.

Among other things, Trump has tweeted "Liberate Michigan", which according to Whitmer has fueled mistrust and encouraged violence.