Covid-19: bitter reactions in Poland to new restrictions

In Warsaw, as elsewhere in Poland, the cases of Covid-19 are increasing in October 2020, which pushes the authorities to decide on new restrictions.

Czarek Sokolowski / AP Photo

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New measures to fight the coronavirus in Poland will come into force from Saturday October 10.

The country has known, for several days, a record number of new cases of Covid-19.

On Friday, nearly 5,000 new contaminations were announced.

The positivity rate is now 16%.

The government is now talking about zero tolerance in the fight against the virus, a tone that contrasts with statements made a few months ago.


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With our correspondent in Warsaw,

Sarah Bakaloglou 

In Warsaw, masks are now compulsory on the streets, as in the whole country.

A measure that reassures Rafao, originally from a town on the German border: “ 

I think these masks are a very good decision.

I'm worried because three or four months ago we had a lot of cases, but I didn't know anyone who was positive… Today, five of my friends are.


► Read also: Coronavirus in Poland: demonstration in Warsaw against the mask and the restrictions

Will these restrictions still be followed


But this measure, for several Poles questioned, comes too late.

All remember the words of Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister, in early July before

the presidential election

, calling for not to be afraid of the coronavirus.

Kasia, a young Polish girl, is bitter: “ 

Our Prime Minister and her party were the only ones to say this kind of thing, because they wanted the elderly to vote.

This is the only reason.

But the situation was uncertain, and it still is.

But they had other interests in mind.


It remains to be seen whether these new restrictions will be followed.

In a survey carried out for a local radio station, nearly four in ten Poles say they are not afraid of being infected with the coronavirus.


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