Chinanews, October 8th. According to Euronet citing EUN News Agency, on October 7, local time, the Italian Ministry of Emergency Civil Defense reported that the country’s newly diagnosed new crown cases hit a new high since April 16, reaching 3678.

As of 18:00 on October 8th local time, Italy had a total of 333,940 confirmed cases and 36061 deaths.

  According to reports, on the 7th, the Italian Senate and the House of Representatives formally approved the extension of the national emergency until January 31, 2021, and approved the latest national anti-epidemic law proposed by the government cabinet.

Subsequently, Prime Minister Conte signed the decree and promulgated it for implementation.

The bill came into effect on October 15, requiring everyone except children under 6 to wear a mask when engaging in outdoor activities.

  The new law stipulates that people who are not suitable for physical exercise or wearing masks for special reasons must carry masks and other personal protective equipment; non-cohabitants must wear masks in close contact; people must also wear masks in all other indoor places except private houses Masks, offenders will be fined 400 to 1,000 euros.

The new law also provides specific penalties for violating the isolation regulations.

  According to reports, the bill also requires the public to continue to observe regulations such as maintaining safe social distancing, washing hands frequently, and prohibiting gatherings.

It is stipulated that if the body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius, you must stay at home and not participate in public activities.

The bill also authorizes the national police and the military to assist local governments in strengthening law enforcement during the epidemic; indoor activities must not exceed 200 people, and outdoor activities must not exceed 1,000 people; stadiums and other public places prone to cluster infections will continue to be closed to the public.

  In addition, the new bill requires travelers entering the country from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Malta, France, and Spain to be tested for the virus and to be isolated at home while waiting for the test results.

  The bill still requires travellers from outside the European Union to stay at home or be quarantined at a specified location for 14 days.

Passengers from Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Colombia will be barred from entering Italy.

  After the new anti-epidemic bill was approved by the Congress, Italian Minister of Health Speranza said that the latest data show that the current epidemic in Italy is continuing to deteriorate and the country is still facing huge challenges. It is not difficult to see from the government and parliament’s decision to extend the state of emergency that epidemic prevention measures will no longer be relaxed in the future, but to remind the public that the current epidemic situation is very severe, and everyone should perform epidemic prevention obligations and abide by epidemic prevention rules. (Boyuan)