"The work on the Zircon system and the stage of successful testing of this missile is a great event not only in the life of the Armed Forces, but also in the whole of Russia, the entire country," TASS quoted Putin as saying.

He noted that equipping the Armed Forces - the army and the navy - with the latest weapons systems, which have no analogues in the world, ensures the state's defense capability for the long term.

The Russian Defense Ministry specified in a press release that on October 6, the lead frigate of the Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov project fired a Zircon hypersonic cruise missile at a sea target located in the Barents Sea from the White Sea.

"Zircon" with a direct hit successfully hit a naval target at a distance of 450 km.

The rocket speed was more than Mach 8.

On July 26, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the country was successfully completing tests of the Zircon hypersonic missile.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the new weapons, which have already been announced and are being created, will guarantee the invulnerability of the country's territory.