
Universities opened in China at the end of last month, and more than 30 million students are actually locked up in the school as the corona prevents students from leaving at all.

Student complaints are not the only ones.

This is correspondent Song Wook from Beijing.


Students barely receive food through the tightly closed university gates.

On the fence behind the school, couriers hang items on a line to deliver.

This is a true landscape that was created when universities in China blocked students from going out, saying they would prevent the influx of Corona 19.

[College students: I was tired of having too few foods in the school cafeteria, and there was only one food service counter.]

Young students trapped in the school reached out to get their nails trimmed, and lovers had a date while eating hot pots across the fence. Do it.

Every evening, the playground is crowded with students dancing in groups, and the school pond has become a fishing ground for freshwater crabs to soothe the boredom.

[College student: I can't go out of school, so I play while catching crabs. Two to three hundred people come and catch it a day.]

However, students are dissatisfied with the continued management of the containment ceremony.

[Remove the blockade! Lift the blockade!] With

scarce supplies and poor conditions, students from a university in Xi'an protested for 30 minutes.

[College students: The price of goods in the school has risen too much, and you have to wait more than an hour to enter the cafeteria and bathhouse.]

Some schools that block the bringing of outside food dumped the delivered food in the trash and forced to crack down on controversy.

Students criticized the school for insisting on a show-style blockade at the word of the authorities asking the authorities to thoroughly quarantine quarantine by asking if faculty members freely commute to and from outside the student.

(Video source: Weibo, China) (Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun)