(Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) Global new crown deaths exceed 910,000, France newly diagnosed in a single day exceeded 10,000 for the first time

  China News Service, Beijing, September 13th. Comprehensive news: WHO released the latest data showing that as of 21:59 on the 12th, Beijing time, the total number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia worldwide reached 28,329,790, and the number of deaths reached 911,877.

  According to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 12:35 on the 13th Beijing time, the total number of confirmed cases worldwide has reached 28,661,777, and the number of deaths has reached 9,19094.

On September 11, local time, a huge American flag was hoisted at the World Trade Center Station in New York. A passenger wearing a protective mask walked under the flag.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Liao Pan

Americas: The number of confirmed cases in Colombia exceeds 700,000 and the number of deaths in the United States can reach up to 217,000 in early October

  The United States is currently the country with the largest cumulative number of confirmed and cumulative deaths in the world.

According to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 12:35 on the 13th, Beijing time, there were 6483064 confirmed cases in the United States and 193676 deaths.

Forecast data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that by October 3, the cumulative number of deaths in the United States is expected to be between 205,000 and 217,000.

  Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and an important member of the White House Coronavirus Response Task Force, recently stated that it may not be until the end of 2021 that Americans can return to their normal state before the epidemic.

  According to data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health at 18:30 on the 12th local time, there were 33,523 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Brazil that day, and a total of 4,315,687 confirmed cases; 814 new deaths and a total of 13,210 deaths; a total of 3,553,421 cases were cured.

  The new crown epidemic report issued by the Ministry of Health of Panama on the 11th showed that in the past 24 hours, there were 615 new confirmed cases and a total of 100,000 confirmed cases, reaching 100,330; 13 new deaths and a total of 2,140 deaths.

The local media quoted a recent report issued by the Pan American Health Organization as saying that Panama may have bid farewell to the peak of the epidemic and entered the path of slowing infection.

  Data released by the Colombian National Institutes of Health on the 11th showed that the country completed 37,807 new coronavirus tests that day, reported 7,224 new confirmed cases, and a total of 7,02088 confirmed cases; 243 new deaths and a total of 22,518 deaths.

Colombia’s Minister of Health and Social Security Ruiz said recently that most of the country’s cities and towns where the epidemic has occurred have passed their peaks, and the spread of the virus has shown a downward trend, resulting in a slight decrease in daily testing.

On September 1, local time, Nice, France, students returned to school after the summer vacation. Teachers and students wear masks to take protective measures indoors and outdoors.

 Europe: France's new diagnoses in a single day broke 10,000 for the first time, returning to work and opening of school, causing a slight rebound in Russian epidemic

  According to data released by the French public health department on the 12th, there were 10,561 new confirmed cases in the country within 24 hours, a total of 373,911 confirmed cases, and a total of 30,910 deaths.

This is the first time that the number of newly confirmed cases in France exceeded 10,000 in a single day since the outbreak.

  A spokesperson for the British company AstraZeneca announced on the 12th that the "Oxford New Crown Vaccine" jointly developed by the University of Oxford and the British company AstraZeneca has been approved by the British safety regulatory agency to resume clinical trials.

Previously, a British volunteer had a "serious adverse reaction" that may be caused by the vaccine, and the vaccine was temporarily suspended for vaccination and testing.

  A chart published on the "Containment of the New Coronavirus" website hosted by the Russian government shows that the Russian new crown epidemic reached its peak in May and June this year, with more than 10,000 new confirmed cases in a single day.

Since then, the momentum has gradually weakened. On August 16, the number of newly confirmed cases fell below 5,000 for the first time, and the value has remained between 4,600 and 4,900 from then until September 3.

However, since September 4, the number of newly confirmed cases in Russia in a single day has been more than 5,000.

Russian experts believe that this is due to the increase in personnel exchanges after returning to work after the summer vacation and after the school opens, and appealed to the public to abide by the epidemic prevention regulations.

On September 1, in a chain cafe in Jongno District, Seoul, South Korea, the tables and chairs were all emptied, and notices were posted on the ground, requiring people waiting for food to be separated by more than 1 meter.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Zeng Nai

Asia: The number of new community infections in South Korea dropped to below 100 in a single day, and Israel's nationwide "city closure" is imminent

  According to news from the Korea Central Anti-epidemic Countermeasures Headquarters on the 13th, from 0:00 on the 12th to 0:00 on the 13th, there were 121 new confirmed cases in South Korea, with a total of 22,176 confirmed cases.

The number of new cases in a single day remained below 200 for 11 consecutive days, a decrease from the previous day.

Judging by the route of infection, 99 of the new cases on the day were community infections and 22 were imported from abroad. Community infections fell below 100 for the first time since the 14th of last month.

  The Korea Disease Management Headquarters was officially upgraded to the Korea Disease Management Agency on the 12th, which independently performs the functions of infectious disease analysis and monitoring, crisis response, and overall management, but is still under the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

  The total number of confirmed cases in Israel exceeded 150,000, and the nationwide "city closure" is imminent.

According to Israeli media reports, Israel will implement "blockade" measures across the country from 6 am on the 18th for two weeks, and schools will be closed on the 16th.

The picture shows the local people in Melbourne, Australia, wearing masks during the epidemic.

 Africa and Oceania: A total of over 1.34 million confirmed diagnoses in Africa has developed a visual analysis platform

  According to the latest data from the official website of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cumulative number of confirmed diagnoses in Africa exceeds 1.34 million, of which 32,379 have died.

  The Ministry of Health of Egypt announced on the evening of the 12th that Egypt had 148 new confirmed cases, a total of 100,856 confirmed cases, a total of 5,627 deaths, and a total of 83,261 cases were cured.

The Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Liao Liqiang said in an online press conference a few days ago that China supports China and Egypt in vaccine cooperation, which will become a highlight of the cooperation between the two countries.

  The University of Melbourne, Australia recently announced that its researchers have developed an online analysis platform called "COVID-3D".

This platform can visually display information such as protein structure changes caused by the mutation of the new coronavirus genome, which is helpful for the development of new coronavirus drugs and vaccines.
