Libya: protests in Benghazi against corruption and living conditions

In Benghazi, young people burned tires on the roads denouncing the corruption of the local government and living conditions, September 12, 2020. Abdullah DOMA / AFP

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In Benghazi, demonstrators set fire to the headquarters of the parallel government, not recognized by the UN, in the east of the country.

The damage is significant.

The same day, in el-Marj, about 100 kilometers from Benghazi, police fired live ammunition against residents who forced the entrance to the main police station.

Since 2014, Cyrenaica, the eastern region of the country, has been controlled by Khalifa Haftar who has imposed a quasi-military regime.

However, these troubles are not a surprise, given the economic and social situation of the region.


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With our correspondent in Tunis,

Mathieu Galtier

The inhabitants of Cyrenaica, the eastern region of Libya, have been suffering from the economic crisis and the health crisis for several months.

But, almost cut off from the world, with little or no international aid, and living in fear of being arrested by Haftar's men, the population did not dare to express their anger.

Until these last days.

The unrest on Sunday is the culmination of anger that began on the night of September 10 to 11.

In Benghazi, young people burned tires on the roads, denouncing the corruption of the local government and the living conditions.

Power cuts can last 14 to 15 hours a day.

Electric generators clutter the sidewalks of the region's main city.

But the price of diesel has increased thirteen times.

When it is available.

Fuel is delivered as a priority to hospitals, which welcome dozens of new cases of coronavirus every day.

Despite this measure, healthcare centers are struggling to keep up with demand.

Doctors denounce the corruption of leaders who prevent medical equipment and diesel from reaching their destination.

Power cuts, hospital failures and corruption are also found in the west of the country.

But, the Libyans in the east were too frightened by the repression of the mayors, generally of the soldiers imposed by Khalifa Haftar.


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  • Libya

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