
Bob Woodward, who scooped up the Watergate incident in the United States, wrote a book based on his interview with President Trump.

Some say that President Trump deliberately hid the danger even though he knew that Corona 19 was fatal.

President Trump explained that he was afraid that people would be scared.

First of all, this is Kim Yoon-soo, a correspondent in Washington.


On February 7th, 12 days after the first coronavirus outbreak in the United States, Watergate reporter Woodward interviewed President Trump.

[Trump/U.S. President (February 7, 2020): Corona 19 is very tricky and difficult to deal with.

In addition, the symptoms are far more fatal than the severe flu.] In the

early days of the outbreak of COVID-19, they knew from the beginning that it was much more fatal, unlike the risk of neglecting the risk of being the same as the flu.

At the same time, it was also revealed that there was a report from the White House National Security Advisor that Corona 19 would be the biggest threat during President Trump's term.

President Trump admits that he has concealed the lethality, but says he does so to avoid creating a terror situation.

[Trump/US President: I am a cheerleader in this country.

I love this country and I didn't want to scare the people.

I didn't want to create a horror situation.]

Democratic presidential candidate Biden blamed President Trump for betraying Americans.

[Biden/US Democratic presidential candidate: Trump deliberately failed to fulfill his office."

It's an act of betrayal of American life and death.] In

a new book based on his 18 interviews with President Trump, Woodward assessed President Trump as "the dynamite behind the door," as someone who doesn't fit the job.

(Video coverage: Park Eun-ha, Video editing: Kim Ho-jin)