<Anchor> The

ripples have not subsided after Bob Woodward's revelation that US President Trump deliberately concealed it despite knowing the dangers of Corona 19.

Even though Woodward only released the interview seven months later, there is a controversy over the delayed disclosure.

Correspondent Yunsoo Kim reports from Washington.


When the interview that President Trump hid the fatality of Corona 19 was revealed, the Democratic Party even made a political advertisement and launched an all-out offensive.

[US Democratic Party Political Ad: 190,000 Americans were killed, the economy collapsed, and our children became unsafe at school, but Trump has all known.]

Anger among patients and families affected by Corona 19 Is growing.

President Trump concealed the seriousness of Corona 19, and many people were unprotected and exposed to the virus.

[Families of the deceased in Corona 19: It is said that President Trump hid the people to keep them from terror, but my father was not in terror.

Instead, he died.]

There is controversy over the fact that the interview recorded in February was released only seven months later.

If it had been released early, it would have helped to reduce human casualties, but criticism was raised that Woodward, who interviewed, was procrastinating to release his new book in time for its release.

Woodward explained that it took some time to verify the truth, as President Trump's words were often different.

President Trump has also attacked this area and countered it.

[Trump/US President: If Woodward decided that what I was saying at the time was really bad, he should have disclosed it right after the interview.]

At a press conference, President Trump tried to divert his attention by repeatedly emphasizing that the development of the Corona 19 vaccine is at the end, but It is unlikely that the ripples will settle easily.