Dongjin Sweden AB is the name of the wholly owned subsidiary of Dongjin Semichem Co Ltd in Korea, which has signed an agreement with Northvolt to supply the material called Carbon Nanotube Slurry (CNT) that is needed in battery manufacturing.

- It is another step in building a local ecosystem with subcontractors in direct connection to Northvolt one, states communications manager Jesper Wigardt.

According to him, this is a factory that needs to employ 80-100 people with different skills.

A total of 6,000 employees are needed in factory production

- We ourselves will need to recruit around 3,000 people and expect that our subcontractors need to employ the same number, says Jesper Wigardt, who nevertheless views the recruitment process positively.

- Three years ago, there were some initial questions about recruitment, but I think we have become more and more confident that we will find the skills required.

However, proper efforts will be required from us, the region and other actors involved.

The area the company buys is 39,000 square meters and the price is SEK 500 per square meter.

The application for an environmental permit was submitted to the Land and Environmental Court in May.