
08 September 2020 Disaster of Italy under 21 of Nicolato who, still undefeated, is soundly defeated in Kalmar by Sweden (3-0) in a match valid for the sixth day of group 1 of the qualifiers for the 2021 European category championships. 'arrest that complicates the path of the Azzurri and the first place in the group is now further away: in the lead there is Ireland with 16 points (in 7 games), Italy second with 13 (in 6 matches), then Iceland with 12 (6) and in fourth place the same Swedes who, after this victory, return to the race with 9 points in 6 games played.

In the other match of the grouping between the two rear sides, Luxembourg beat Armenia 2-1.

Italy immediately struggled and on 12 'Sweden took the lead: a cross from Irandust for Almqvist who, all alone, on the goal line put in.

Azzurrini forward, the Swedish striker Almqvist still takes advantage of it and on 30 'signs his personal double after an error by the Italian defense.

Unrecognizable players, coach Zanellato changes two at the beginning of the second half.

But there is the trio of the yellow-blues on the development of a corner kick with Henriksson who, very free, tries twice before beating Carnesecchi (51 ').

The first shot on goal for Italy comes only in the 65th minute, but Dahlberg is careful on Cutrone.

The azzurrini, even if with little conviction, try to reopen the match or at least to score the goal, which however does not arrive.

It ends 3-0 for Sweden.   

The Italy Under 21 will return to the field in October, on the 9th in Iceland and on the 13th in Benevento against Ireland, the main rivals in terms of qualification.