Privas (AFP)

The prohibited refueling which led to the loss of the yellow jersey of the Tour de France for Julian Alaphilippe was provided by a member of the Deceuninck team, we learned from officials, Wednesday in Privas.

On the TV images, the container is handed to the French rider 17 kilometers from the finish line, ie beyond the regulatory limit of the last 20 kilometers authorized for refueling during the race.

The incident seemed absurd to many observers of the Tour in view of the plain course of this long processionary stage and without danger for Alaphilippe's position at the top of the classification.

At the beginning of the evening, the Belgian team, which had positioned a car near the place of this refueling, had not yet provided details.

Several followers present on the race thought they recognized Franck Alaphilippe, the cousin and trainer of the French rider, on the side of the road.

Deceuninck preferred to insist on the taking of the green jersey by the Irish champion Sam Bennett, at the expense of the Slovakian Peter Sagan.

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