Xinhua News Agency, Rome, September 2 (Reporter Li Jie) According to Italian media reports on the 2nd, Berlusconi, the former prime minister and leader of the Forza Party, tested positive for the new crown virus.

  According to the Italian newspaper "Repubblica", the 83-year-old Berlusconi recently ended his vacation in Sardinia, Italy.

Later, he was tested for the new coronavirus and the results were positive, and his two children also tested positive.

  Berlusconi said on the 2nd that he will abide by the relevant quarantine regulations, while still participating in the election campaigns for the local council elections through media interviews.

  According to data released by the Italian Ministry of Health on the 2nd, there were 1063 new confirmed cases of new crown in the country that day, and a total of 271,515 confirmed cases.