“Shocked by the statement of the Chancellor (FRG Angela. -


) Merkel that Navalny was poisoned with the Novichok chemical weapon.

In contact with Germany for further action.

We need an explanation from Russia, ”he wrote on his Twitter.

Earlier, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany said that the results of a toxicological study of a special laboratory of the German Armed Forces showed the presence in the samples of Navalny of a chemical nerve agent from the Novichok group.

Merkel said that Navalny was a "victim of a crime."

The Kremlin, in turn, noted that no toxic substances were found in Navalny's body before he was taken to Berlin.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced megaphone diplomacy in the situation with Navalny and stressed that they expect Berlin to respond to the request of the Prosecutor General's Office and Russian medical institutions.