The Russian Embassy in Germany reported that during the visit of Ambassador Sergei Nechaev to the German Foreign Ministry, the German side did not give him any "substantive fact" in the case of the "poisoning" of Alexei Navalny, who is currently undergoing treatment at the Charite clinic in Berlin. ...

The Russian ambassador was summoned to the country's foreign affairs office after the German government issued a statement saying that Navalny's analyzes allegedly found traces of a nerve agent from the Novichok group.

The embassy emphasized that they expect from Germany the most prompt response to the request of the Prosecutor General's Office sent on August 27 for legal assistance within the framework of the check on the blogger's hospitalization conducted by Russian law enforcement agencies.

“We urge our partners to avoid politicizing this incident, to rely solely on reliable facts, the provision of which, we hope, will take place as soon as possible.

We look forward to full cooperation and exchange of information using the existing bilateral legal mechanisms, ”the diplomatic mission said.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova confirmed on the air of the TV channel "Russia 1" that Sergei Nechaev had not received any evidence from the German Foreign Ministry.

“No facts, no data, no formulas, no materials, no information.

Absolutely nothing.

He left there empty-handed, ”she said.

Zakharova clarified that the Russian side did not receive from Berlin a single material on the situation with the blogger - neither at the requests formulated by the Prosecutor General's Office, nor on the issues of Russian doctors. 

According to the Foreign Ministry spokesman, the statements of the FRG government are yet another information campaign directed against Russia.

German colleagues, Zakharova stressed, openly neglect the legal mechanisms of cooperation to obtain a true result.

She stressed that the diagnosis of Alexei Navalny is in the competence of doctors, and the statements of politicians on it testify to the "uncleanliness of this approach."

The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman noted that Russia has already faced such scenarios.

“When we say that this has already passed, we recall not only the Skripals, but also the so-called Syrian chemistry, and the allegedly poisoned children by Damascus, who later turned out to be victims of an information campaign carried out by the pseudo-humanitarian organization“ White Helmets ”for Western money, for the money of countries NATO and the European Union.

And there are a lot of such examples ... How ready the world will be to become a victim of an information campaign again is not a question for us, ”added Maria Zakharova, stressing that Russia is waiting for official answers to requests sent to Berlin.

In the meantime, Andrei Klimov, head of the Federation Council commission for the protection of state sovereignty, said that the commission would consider the situation with Navalny as an example of interference in Russian affairs.

Commenting on the statements of Germany, Klimov said that he associates the whole situation with one word - "setup".

“As soon as information about Navalny's poor health appeared, the Western media immediately intensified.

And it all looked like information preparation for the "opinion about the poisoning of the politician", - quotes the words of the senator RIA Novosti.

In turn, the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky noted that Russia has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to cooperate and is interested in establishing the true reasons for what happened to the blogger.

“The statements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Germany about the possible poisoning of Navalny must be supported by concrete and weighty evidence.

As far as we remember, Berlin did not respond to the corresponding request from the Prosecutor General's Office, and Russian experts did not find traces of poison or deliberate poisoning in his body.

Otherwise, all this may turn into another provocation in the style of "highlighted", - said Slutsky.

  • Analyst, Russia Specialist Martin McCauley

Analyst, specialist in Russia Martin McCauley, in a conversation with RT, pointed out that in the case of the real use of the so-called Novichok, there should have been many more victims.

“None of those who sat next to him on the plane or came close, did not get poisoned.

This is a very interesting moment: only a scientist, a toxicologist, could explain how it is possible that in one case - in the case of the Skripals - several people were poisoned with the substance at once, and in the case of Navalny, only he was poisoned, ”the expert noted.

A member of the German Left Party Bijan Tavassoli, in an interview with RT, also commented on the message of the German authorities and recalled that for several days Navalny was examined by doctors from one of the best hospitals in Germany, and his blood samples were sent to all private laboratories in the country, none of which was found in these samples traces of any toxic substances.

However, after that, the state military laboratory suddenly made a statement about the presence of traces of the Novichok in the analyzes.

  • Member of the Left Party of Germany Bijan Tavassoli

“It all works out somehow conveniently, doesn't it?

The laboratory, which is under the control of the German government, produces the result that it wanted, ”he said.

On September 2, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said that Alexei Navalny was allegedly poisoned with a nerve agent from the Novichok group.

The toxicological study was carried out by a special laboratory of the German Armed Forces.

The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov recalled that before being taken to Berlin, Navalny underwent a whole range of analyzes in accordance with international standards, and they did not reveal any toxic substances.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the statements of the German side represent megaphone diplomacy and the substitution of an information campaign for normal cooperation, and also added that Berlin did not respond to requests from the Russian Prosecutor General's Office or to requests from Russian doctors.