Nice (AFP)

Julian Alaphilippe, back on the Tour de France one year after the "unforgettable emotions" of his epic in yellow, "did not come for the general classification", assured the hero of July 2019 on Thursday while aiming for "victory and the yellow jersey "on the 2nd stage on Sunday.

Q: Is it special to find the Tour again after the 2019 edition?

A: It was amazing to have been the Tour leader for 14 days. The past year has been very special for me and the team. I experienced unforgettable emotions. I'm still motivated this year at the start, it's the biggest race in the world. The preparation was different, the desire is the same however. The objective is very clear: I did not come here for the general classification. It's a natural decision. Even though last year I wasn't far at the end, that wasn't my goal. So it's not frustrating, I'm here to try to win a stage, with the team we're not here to win the Tour. On paper, there are quite a few steps for my convenience, there is really plenty to do.

Q: From Sunday?

A: It's going to be a tough weekend from the start. I'll see how I feel, that will determine the rest of my Tour. I'm not going to hide it, if I have good feelings, if I feel good, Sunday (day of the 2nd stage, a loop in the hinterland of Nice, note), it's a good + opportunity + of go for the victory and the yellow jersey. Very clearly, it is a mountain stage with 4,000 meters of elevation gain: it is not medium mountain but a real difficult day. As usual in the first stages of the Tour, there will be a lot of stressful tension, all the leaders will want to stay ahead so as not to get trapped. I will take day after day but for me it is important to start well. Very important to start well on Sunday.

Q: Unlike last year, not the same fervor on the roads ...

A: I have unforgettable memories of that crowd behind me last year. Imagine climbing the passes with maximum effort and seeing the deserted roads, it will be special. You have to imagine a football match with an empty stadium, it's the same thing. It's a shame, the public is part of cycling but it is important to respect the instructions. We are isolated, in a single room. There are a lot of rules to follow, that's what makes the Tour so special this year, all these rules around us.

Interview at a press conference

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