The World Health Organization recommends that children wear masks from the age of 12

The World Health Organization (WHO) and "UNICEF", in a document guiding decision-makers, stressed the need for children over 12 years of age to wear masks anywhere adults must wear them to prevent corona.

The two organizations of the United Nations did not generally recommend that children between 6 and 11 years of age wear masks, but they should be considered in places with high infection rates or in specific groups such as schools.

However, international experts who drafted the directives said that there are situations in which "masks will interfere with the learning process and will have a negative impact on important school activities."

The document, published on Friday evening, stated that younger children should not be forced to wear masks, mainly because they cannot properly put them on and remove them by themselves.

The group of experts said that children up to five years old should be under constant supervision if they wear masks.

"Children should be heard about their perceptions and any concerns they have about wearing a mask," the experts added.

The advisory document also stated that the transparent masks provide less protection than the woven fabric masks that cover the mouth and nose.

According to global data, between 1 and 7 percent of all Corona sufferers are children and youth under the age of eighteen.

There are conflicting studies regarding whether infected children carry the Corona virus in a less, more, or equal proportion compared to adults.

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  • #World Health Organization ,
  • # You advise,
  • #children,
  • # Gags,
  • Corona