Telecoms: the United States reinforces its sanctions against the Chinese giant Huawei

Huawei, the world's largest seller of smartphones, is more than ever in Washington's sights. AP Photo / Ng Han Guan

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Chinese telecom giant Huawei, accused of spying by Washington for the benefit of the Beijing regime, has already been the target of sanctions exercised by the United States since May. These sanctions will be strengthened and extended, as announced by the American authorities on Monday, August 17.


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The United States is at war with Huawei more than ever . The American authorities have decided to strengthen their sanctions against the Chinese company, which they accuse of espionage. The new American sanctions concern materials used by Huawei for its electronic systems, more precisely semiconductors, chips from American technologies.

► To read also: United States: twenty Chinese companies including Huawei in the sights of the Pentagon

Washington wants to hamper Huawei's development

As of May, Washington has already banned Huawei from using these materials without special permission. Today, a further step has been taken: it is no longer just the brand with the red lotus but its 38 international subsidiaries that are subject to this ban. The United States believes that the Chinese telecoms giant is using them to circumvent the sanctions already in force.

The Trump administration accuses Huawei of being "  an armed wing of the surveillance of the Chinese Communist Party  ", which the manufacturer has always categorically denied. Huawei this year became the world's largest seller of phones.

But it is above all the development of the 5G network, for the telephone, the Internet, but also industry and connected objects, which worries the United States. Washington therefore wants to hamper the technological development of the Chinese manufacturer, while seeking to dissuade countries around the world from calling on Huawei.

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