Before the autumnal equinox, don’t be busy with tonics and moisturize dryness  The
  top priority is to prevent "autumn injury from dampness"

  After the beginning of autumn, the weather gradually changed, and how to maintain health became a topic of public concern. A closer study of the "Huangdi Neijing" (hereinafter referred to as "Neijing") will reveal that when the "Neijing" discusses autumn health preservation, it mentioned that "autumn hurts from dampness, winter coughs", and similar sentence patterns are found in all three. "Important things are said three times."

  Text: Zhong Kui, All Media Reporter of Guangzhou Daily

  Picture: Zhong Kui, an all-media reporter of Guangzhou Daily (remake)

  Three times in the Neijing

  According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of "health keeping in time", many people believe that after the fall, the climate changes from heat to cool, and the human body suffers from the loss of body fluid in summer and has not recovered. Body dryness, in order to prevent "autumn dryness injuring the lungs", it is advisable to consume foods or drugs that nourish yin, promote body fluid and moisturize dryness.

  In addition, according to the principle of “nourishing yang in spring and summer, and yin in autumn and winter”, many people think that in autumn, they should be tonic in time to strengthen their bodies and try their best to eat. The autumn food tonic is mainly for nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. You should eat more black-bone chicken, white fungus, honey, pig lung, sesame, soy milk, walnuts, coix seed, pear, lotus root, etc., and make a medicated diet with Chinese medicine. Way, the effect is better.

  The above point of view seems to be fine at first glance. However, if you study the "Internal Classics" carefully, you will find that when the "Internal Classics" discusses health preservation in autumn, it mentioned that "autumn hurts from dampness and winter is coughing", and the similar sentence pattern is "Say important things three times." ".

  "Internal Classics·Suwen·Yin and Yang Yingxiang Dalun Pian" says: "Autumn hurts from dampness and winter coughs."

  "Internal Classics·Suwen·Fengtiantongtianlun Pian" says: "Autumn hurts from dampness, and coughs up against it, and it turns out of dysfunction."

  "Inner Classics·Lingshu·On Disease Diagnosis Ruler" says: "Autumn injury from dampness, winter cough."

  According to the four o'clock regimen theory of Neijing, spring, summer, and winter are the main qi (spring is the atmosphere, summer is the heat, and winter is the cold) hurting people, except that autumn is not the strong qi—dryness hurts People, but moisture hurts people. What is the reason?

  What is the "six qi regimen theory"

  It turns out that in addition to the four-time regimen theory, there are also the "six qi" regimen and treatment theories in the Internal Classic, and the application of the latter is more realistic.

  The four seasons are divided into six solar terms in each season. For example, autumn includes Liqiu, Chushu, Bailu, Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew, and Frost. The "six qi" refers to the "six qi" in the "five luck and six qi", and its division is different from the four seasons, each qi contains only 4 solar terms.

  The names of the "six qi" are: Jueyin Fengmu, Shaoyin Monarch Fire, Shaoyang Xianghuo, Taiyin Moist Earth, Yangming Dry Gold, and Sun Cold Water, which are respectively related to natural wind, heat, heat, dampness, dryness and coldness. The gas phase corresponds.

  The climate prevails before the vernal equinox after the big cold, including the four solar terms: Great Cold, Beginning of Spring, Rain, and Jingzhe; the heat prevails after the vernal equinox and before Xiaoman, including the four solar terms: Spring Equinox, Qingming, Guyu, and Lixia; summer prevails after Xiaoman before the summer, including There are four solar terms: Xiaoman, Mangzhong, Summer Solstice, and Xiaoshu; moisture prevails before the autumn equinox after the summer, including the four solar terms: summer, beginning of autumn, Chushu, and Bailu; dry air prevails before the light snow after the autumn equinox, including autumnal equinox, cold dew, frost, and beginning of winter4 A solar term; cold prevails after the light snow and before the big cold, including 4 solar terms: light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice, and small cold.

  It can be seen that among the six solar terms in autumn, the first three solar terms are when moisture is prevailing, and the last three solar terms are when dry air is in season. It is just now in the autumn, the top priority for health maintenance is to remove dampness rather than moisturize dryness and tonic, otherwise it is easy to be hurt by moisture.

  How to prevent "Autumn injury from dampness, Dongsheng cough"?

  What is "autumn injury from dampness, winter cough"? Wang Bing of the Tang dynasty said: "Autumn dampness is abundant, winter water regenerates, water dampness is related, lung qi is weak, so winter is very cold, it is cough." This means that after the summer, before the autumnal equinox, it is easy to be infected with damp evil. Later, in winter, when the lungs are weak and the weather is cold, they suffer from a cough. And "coughing upside down and getting frustrated" means that when moisture invades the internal organs, the gas will cough upside down, and when it spreads out in the veins and veins, the fistula will be weak (the feet are not used for atrophy). Moisture not only injures the lungs, but also injures the flesh, muscles and veins, so don't be careful.

  How to get rid of dampness after autumn? There are many ways to remove dampness, and the most important method in daily life is to use food to remove dampness. The staple food can be coix seed, lotus seed, red bean, broad bean, mung bean, etc. The meat can be crucian carp, carp, loach, duck and so on. Vegetables can be winter melon, loofah, bitter gourd, cucumber, celery, seaweed, kelp, amaranth, mung bean sprouts, etc.

  There are also many recipes for removing dampness and dampness, so I won't list them all here.

  If the moisture in the body is severe, take medicine. Normally, you should prepare some Huoxiang Zhengqi water at home. This medicine has the effects of relieving the surface and removing dampness, regulating the qi and neutralizing energy. If you feel cold from the outside and dampness in the internal injury, you can boil some ginger water and mix it with Huoxiang Zhengqi water. If accompanied by diarrhea, Huoxiangzhengqi pills can be used instead.

  The antidampness remedies handed down in ancient times are also worth collecting. For example, Huang Yuanyu, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, had a party named "Shuganlingze Decoction", which was a famous prescription for treating dampness. This prescription is composed of licorice, tuckahoe, atractylodes, and Alisma. It does not take much medicine and has significant effects. It is most suitable for the infection of damp evil after autumn. However, Huang Yuanyu did not specify the dosage. If you do not know Chinese medicine, you must consult a person who really knows Chinese medicine before taking this medicine.