How to eat confinement meal to maintain health and lose weight? Please keep this cooking "cheat book"

  At 11:30 on August 12, citizen Mr. Wu came to the confinement center of Bishan District Maternity and Child Health Hospital to pack a nutritious confinement meal for his wife.

  "The confinement meals made at home are the same. She has been tired of eating." Mr. Wu said that during this time, he would come here to buy confinement meals every day, and they were not repeated every day.

  "The weather in summer is hot, and many parturients will have poor appetites during confinement, so summer confinement meals must not only be nutritious, but also appetizing and delicious." said Xu Yuansen, head of the confinement center of Bishan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital. In order to serve the masses, the Confinement Center has launched a special nutrition confinement meal service in summer. In the past month, there have been more and more customers like Mr. Wu.

  In order to make a confinement meal

  Hotel chefs "trained" for more than a year

  Is it difficult to make Cantonese food, or to make confinement meals? Li Xing, head chef of the confinement center of Bishan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, answered the latter.

  Li Xing, who has been a chef for 10 years, was a chef at a star hotel in Chongqing before making confinement meals. He is best at cooking Cantonese cuisine. Five years ago, Li Xingjing recommended to come to a confinement center to learn how to make confinement meals. "Cantonese cuisine and confinement meals have many similarities. They are not as spicy as Sichuan cuisine. They emphasize the flavor." Li Xing originally thought it was easy to learn confinement meals. He didn't expect that he had studied it for a year. Much time.

  Li Xing said that the confinement meal not only cannot contain chili, pepper, monosodium glutamate, green onions, ginger, garlic and other commonly used ingredients in cooking, it can only be seasoned with the most basic seasonings such as salt, soy sauce and sugar.

  "Compared with Cantonese cuisine, confinement meals pay more attention to retaining the original flavor and nutrition of the ingredients, so the selection and matching of ingredients is very particular and very important." Li Xing said, learning to make confinement meals must first learn all kinds of ingredients and understand clearly Which ingredients cannot be eaten by confinement women, and which ingredients cannot be combined.

  The processing and cooking of the ingredients is also very important, and every detail can better retain the nutrition of the ingredients.

  Good-looking and delicious

  28-day main dishes are not repeated every day

  Low oil, low salt, and low sugar are the "features" of confinement meal cooking, and it is also the difficulty of confinement meal being delicious.

  How to make it more delicious on the basis of ensuring the nutrition of the confinement meal? Li Xing spent 5 years constantly exploring.

  "The confinement meal must be delicious, first of all it must be good-looking." Li Xing said, because confinement meals have strict requirements on ingredients and use less seasonings, the "fragrance" and "taste" in the "color, fragrance" of the dishes are both There is a discount. Therefore, the "color" of the dishes is particularly important.

  In Li Xing's view, confinement meals must have a good "presentation" to increase maternal appetite. "If you want people to see it, you want to eat it." Li Xing said, especially in summer, hot weather is more likely to affect the appetite of the parturient, so the summer confinement meal should be more "sale".

  After reading the confinement meal provided by the confinement center, it is not difficult to find that almost every dish is decorated with brightly colored ingredients, and the staple food is also "decorated" such as miscellaneous grains, sesame and green vegetables. Carving a flower with small tomatoes and using small leaves as "lotus leaves" all add a lot to the confinement meal.

  At the same time, Li Xing also put a lot of thought into designing the menu. The 28-day main course does not have a heavy sample, it is a new dish every day. Chicken, duck, fish and various vegetables are carefully cooked to give the confinement meal a "freshness".

  "Three meals and three points" every day

  Nourishment and not afraid of gaining weight

  Li Xing said that eating a good confinement meal is very important for postpartum recovery. Many people are most concerned about the confinement meal, whether it is sufficient or not, how much nutrition does it have?

  "The nutrition of the confinement meal is very important, but the nutritional supplement should be gradual." Li Xing said that the confinement meal should be adjusted flexibly according to the actual situation of the confinement of the parturient, and supplemented in stages. Therefore, the four-week confinement meal provided by the confinement center has different food supplement points every week.

  The first week of the confinement meal mainly focuses on "exhaustion", and the diet mainly focuses on nourishing blood, promoting blood circulation, and strengthening the spleen and dampness; the second week of the confinement meal focuses on "invigorating", and the diet is to nourish blood and nourish yin , Promote milk secretion and restore physical strength; the third week of the confinement meal focuses on "replenishment", and the diet focuses on clearing the fire and moisturizing the lungs, preventing aging, and adding ingredients for beauty in time; the fourth week of the confinement meal Focusing on "repair", the diet focuses on weight loss and body building, strengthening physical fitness, and can take in more fiber and vitamins.

  "While confinement, mothers should eat less and more meals." Li Xing said, a systematic confinement meal menu, with strict standards for how much meat and vegetables are eaten at each meal. Take the menu of the confinement center as an example. In addition to the normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there are also breakfast, lunch, and late meals, as well as snacks, fruits, soups and other "supplements." Such a reasonable diet not only ensures the nutrition intake of the parturient, but also does not have to worry about gaining weight.

  Chongqing Morning News·Upstream News Reporter Liu Bo