How many minutes after waking up should you eat breakfast? And when do you drink water? What are the specifications of an ideal breakfast? The answers are in this comprehensive report.

In order to achieve the maximum benefit from breakfast, it should be eaten at the right time and choose its ingredients carefully, and German nutrition expert Astrid Donalis said - in a statement to the German News Agency - that breakfast has great health benefits, as it works to charge the energy stores in the body again. . Donales
explained a
timely manner, during the first two hours after getting out of bed, pointing out that this is important, especially for children and women in both phases of pregnancy and lactation and diabetic patients.


With regard to water, it is recommended that you drink it upon waking up, even before eating breakfast. Drinking water immediately after waking up helps hydrate your body, and also drink it at any time during the day.

Also, drinking a glass of water before breakfast reduces your caloric intake throughout the day, according to studies, which indicate that a large consumption of water helps reduce daily caloric intake, because it increases the feeling of fullness.

Also, drinking water throughout the day and not just in the morning helps with weight loss, due to its thermogenic effect, which refers to the energy required to heat cold water in the digestive system after consumption.

Studies indicate that this may increase the body's metabolism rate (that is, the rate at which calories are burned in the body, which helps in burning fat), and that this may help in losing weight.

the summer

In the summer, drinking water is more important, as Christina Sauer - from the German University for Prevention and Health Sector Management - stressed the need to drink fluids in sufficient quantities during the summer to avoid dehydration, whose symptoms are headaches, poor concentration, fatigue, and a decline in the ability to exert Exercise and circulatory problems.
told Zaur At news agency German- should drink fluids a day the amount of not less than 1.5 liters, with the increase by half a liter to one liter in the days of intense heat.

Water is the best drink to quench thirst, and herbal tea not sweetened with sugar, as well as diluted juices, can also be drunk. In addition, black and green tea can be drunk in moderate quantities.


The primary goal of breakfast is to provide the body with the energy it needs for the day, especially for children, youth and pregnant and lactating women.

Nutrition expert Matthias Riedl told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that those without breakfast are more likely than others to eat unhealthy during the day.

Riddell recommends foods that contain whole grains in the morning, such as oats, barley and quinoa, as they are saturated and provide the body with energy, according to a Deutsche Welle report.

On the other hand, you should beware of prepackaged breakfasts that contain fats and preservatives.

Also, one of the good options for breakfast is oats, because it contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, and low-fat milk can be added to it with some fruits for a complete meal in the morning.


Vegetables are indispensable in any integrated meal, as they contain everything the body needs for the day, and it is not necessary to eat vegetables that must be cooked, due to lack of time in the morning, and it is recommended for breakfast to eat vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers in addition to lettuce.

the fruit

Fruit should also be an essential part of the breakfast meal because it contains fiber, vitamins and minerals that the body needs, including apples, bananas, avocados, berries, pineapple, kiwi and strawberries.

Dairy products and eggs

Nutritionist Riddle sees no trouble eating dairy products in the morning, and says low-fat yogurt is the best breakfast choice.

Other options include low-fat cheeses such as cottage cheese, and you can also add an egg to this meal to get enough protein.

Beneficial fats

Some people like to eat bread with jam or chocolate in the morning, which is what experts warn against. Riedel says to the German News Agency that the maximum allowable sugar per day is between 25 and 50 grams, and these meals exceed the permissible amount, which leads to weight gain and feeling Get hungry quickly, he said.

Another food that should be avoided is yogurt with fruits, and it is best to eat natural yogurt and add natural fruits to it.

It is also recommended to eat a small amount of nuts, because they contain beneficial and saturated fats, and you can also eat avocados, eggs and black olives.

On the one hand, Donnales pointed out that children who eat breakfast are less likely to suffer from obesity on the one hand, and they can concentrate better in school on the other hand.

Important items

German nutritionist Donalis indicated that an ideal breakfast should include the following important elements:

Grains: Bread or muesli (a dish generally made of oats, nuts, and fruit).
Vegetables and fruits: apples, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers or bell peppers.
Dairy: low-fat dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.
Drinks: water, tea or coffee.


For his part, therapeutic dietitian Matthias Riedl advises to stay away from sausages at breakfast because they are very fatty on the one hand, and to avoid exceeding the weekly allowable amount of meat, which ranges between 300 and 600 grams - according to Riddell - on the other hand.

Otherwise, Riddell recommends eating nuts, because they contain proteins that help to feel full, beneficial fats that delay the digestive process, and dietary fiber that prolongs the feeling of satiety.