Mr. Biden's "A World Without Nuclear Weapons" Attitude 12:05 August 7th

Former Vice President Biden of the Democratic Party, aiming to regain power in the US presidential election, announced a statement on the 6th day of the 75th year since the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and President Obama's aiming for a "world without nuclear weapons" He showed the idea of ​​inheriting the attitude.

In a statement released by former Vice President Biden, Democratic presidential candidate aiming for recapture in the US presidential election in November, ``The Obama Biden administration has sealed its ambition for nuclear development by leading diplomatic efforts with Iran. The Treaty of Nuclear Disarmament with Russia has paved the way for a verifiable reduction of nuclear weapons in both countries," he highlighted the outcomes of the Obama administration, which he was Vice President, for nuclear disarmament.

He also criticized the Trump administration's stance of unilaterally withdrawing from the nuclear agreement with Iran by overcoming the opposition of the international community, saying that "the Trump administration is trying to abandon these international agreements without any alternatives". I will.

In addition, Mr. Biden called for the realization of a "world without nuclear weapons" as "Our efforts to prevent the fear of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from recurring, aiming for a world without nuclear weapons," and the attitude of former President Obama who won the Nobel Peace Prize. He showed the idea of ​​inheriting.

The Trump administration is struggling to extend its deadline for the "new START" nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia, signed by the Obama administration, with the aim of strengthening its nuclear force.

It seems that Mr. Biden, who is aiming to regain the power in the fall presidential election, has the aim of clarifying the difference in his position.