
August 05, 2020 "We need to go back to living with prudence and caution, but we need to start again". Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, president of the CEI and archbishop of Perugia says so, focusing on the economic crisis linked to Covid.

It does so in a written reflection on the Catholic weekly La Voce. "The data of the economic crisis that I read in all the newspapers are frightening", highlights Bassetti. "The shutters still closed that I see in some shops - he adds - leave me with bitterness and restlessness. Because there are men, women and families behind them".

"This is the time of responsibility and seriousness, leaving aside, for the good of all, fake news, denials and 'bad information'", Bassetti writes again, underlining that "this difficult health situation has placed at the center of public discourse a serious and authoritative reflection on freedom of thought, "explaining" that does not mean, it is necessary to underline it, to express at will everything that passes through the head without worrying about verifying the validity of one's declarations and above all without taking responsibility for what he claims". "Well, therefore, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella did well - he continues - to say that 'we cannot and must not forget' the dead of this pandemic and above all that it is necessary to avoid 'confusing freedom with the right to make others ill ' ".