In his appeal, the public figure noted that at present, administrative liability is provided for offenders who arbitrarily install locks on the doors of fire exits in apartment buildings and block access to escape stairs.

At the same time, as Kurdesov noted, by their actions these persons create a real threat to the life and health of other citizens.

“In this regard, we ask you to consider the feasibility of introducing criminal liability against persons who unauthorizedly blocked fire exits, in particular, adding a new crime to the article“ Arbitrariness ”of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,” the text of the appeal says.

According to Kurdesov's idea, the first part of the specified article of the Criminal Code should be supplemented with punishment for unauthorized actions that violate fire safety requirements, posing a danger to the life and health of citizens.

As a lawyer and managing partner of AVG Legal Alexei Gavrish said in an interview with RT, at present, administrative liability in the form of a fine is provided for citizens who have closed the doors of the fire exit without permission.

In addition, an order will be given to eliminate the violation. If this is not done, the violator will be obliged to dismantle all unnecessary structures through the courts, the expert explained.

The lawyer added that to date, a person who blocked a fire exit can be brought to criminal responsibility only in cases where harm was caused to human health or death occurred.