During the quarantine, the French TV channels TV1 and LCI, in partnership with the Plonov company and the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, launched a call and a civic initiative to reflect on the world’s perception after the Corona epidemic.

In response, Frenchmen took part in a writing test about visualizing the life they dreamed of after the Corona pandemic.

The French "LCI" website said that to know the changes that the health crisis should bring to the French, a consultation was launched between April 27 and July 5.

This initiative, dubbed "Our New Life", enabled the gathering of more than 62,000 contributions by more than 5,700 participants, who expressed outstanding interests such as preserving the environment, shifting consumption patterns, or developing towards a more sustainable and responsible economic model.

In the context of this extensive digital consultation, participants were also invited to unleash their imaginations to create a fictional story describing the ideal world they yearn for in the post-Corona pandemic period.

Among these stories is the one written by Bernard, who imagines, in 2040, a plot of land writing a letter to itself 20 years ago.

"Letter of a plot of land"


The story below is a letter from a piece of land she sends to herself. It was written in the future and is directed to the past.

“To myself when I was in 2020, I feel comfortable being able to write to you about what I live now. Here we are now in October but the weather indicates that we are in the spring. Cherry trees are flowering. But I have not seen many bees, It became rare a few years ago, and the leaves are no longer yellow, scattered here and there on my surface. "

We have had wonderful times. Trees spread everywhere, and wild cattle lived on my grass. I felt the love that young people hold for me, just as they felt the pain of their footsteps and their weight on my surface. Sometimes they are rooftop harvesting machines, and other times buildings are constructed. You will tell me that this will be better than a mine planted in my soil. Do you remember how painful that was ?!

Those who trampled upon me have lived through wars, demographic and health crises ... These people are truly sinful to you.

Earth warnings, such as biological crises, climate change and floods have come to fruition, for those who have been able to return to nature have invented a new method of consumption, and you will not believe it, they have left their beloved city and have resorted to me!

But not all of them managed to escape from their fast-paced lifestyle and resort to them. They abandoned the poor and fostered inequality based on individual interests, all for a life they had never wanted.

However, be optimistic! You have had beautiful days, the atmosphere will soon get worse, but human endurance will save them. Some have done their best to take care of you. Mother Nature was their only home, and also the only lifeline.