Bipartisan Parliamentary Review of Security Strategy Review of Proposal to Government to Hold Counterattack Capacity July 30, 20:51

The bipartisan parliamentary group summarized recommendations to the government, including the ability to counterattack when attacked, in light of the intensifying conflict between the United States and China and the increasing threat from North Korea. It was.

The recommendations were compiled by the LDP, the National Democratic Party, and the bipartisan parliamentary federation formed by the Japan Restoration Society.

The proposal calls for a review of Japan's "National Security Strategy," because China's expansionist behavior has intensified its confrontation with the United States and the threat from North Korea is increasing.

On top of that, having the necessary defense force for self-defense and being able to counterattack is within the minimum necessary range of self-defense, and possessing the ability to counterattack when attacked, and the role with the US in the Japan-US Alliance. The guideline for Japan-US defense cooperation, the so-called guideline, should be revised through discussions on sharing.

In addition, in order to strengthen the defense power in the Nansei Islands, in addition to establishing an “Integrated Operations Command” for the Self-Defense Forces in Okinawa Prefecture, Chinese official vessels repeatedly invaded the territorial waters in the waters around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa In light of this, it is necessary to develop laws that expand the role of the Self-Defense Forces in the so-called gray zone situation.

Although members of the Komei Party also participated in the parliamentary federation, the meeting was absent on the 30th and did not participate in the compilation of the proposal, saying that "the striking power is not being discussed within the party."