American scientists have discovered a "deceptive enzyme" that works as a "Trojan horse" for the "corona" virus to break into the human cell, where the RNA considers it part of the cell’s code, not intruder.

American scientists announced the discovery of an enzyme called "NSB 16", which is used by the Corona virus to deceive the immune system, and can enter cells, such as "Trojan horse", and thus control and reproduce.

By understanding the way this enzyme works, scientists may come up with a new anti-corona drug, and thus help those infected to strengthen this enzyme, so that the virus cannot decode its safety code.

This enzyme may be used to activate the so-called RNA messenger cap, and thus give information to cells about the proteins they produce, whether true or not.

According to Dr. Yogesh Gupta, of the University of Texas, who supervises the study, which was published in the journal Nature, it is a hoax enzyme. He added: “Because of the modifications that deceive the cell, the RNA considers it part of the cell’s code, not intruder.”

Thus, the immune system identifies the virus, and does not attack it.

With his study, Yogesh was able to discover the three-dimensional structure of the primary enzyme of corona, which helps it to reproduce, and found that it could be targeted to prevent it from facilitating the task of the virus, according to Professor Robert Huromas, the research assistant in the study.

On the other hand, university researchers in New Zealand pointed out that compliance with basic hygiene and confidence in the authorities was around 100%. After the closure, researchers at Massey University interviewed more than 1,000 people to investigate how New Zealanders responded to the epidemic.

"We met as a country, partly because we believed in our political and health experts, and they succeeded in that," said Dr. Jagadish Thacker, a lecturer at the Mass Communication and Journalism Faculty at Massey University. Simple, clear health messages that communicate with compassion and kindness seem to resonate with people, even when the authorities demand difficult changes.

The "Covid-19" epidemic caused 22 deaths and injured about 1,500 others. The government implemented strict border controls, and the country underwent a large-scale closure process, and the decision entered into force on March 25, and New Zealand was among the first countries in the world to resort to this measure.

The researchers found that New Zealanders had a high level of awareness about the disease and how it spread, with eight out of 10 saying they adopted handwashing behaviors repeatedly, and nine out of 10 indicated they applied the principle of social separation. The researchers concluded that "almost all New Zealanders correctly understand important facts about the coronavirus."

About nine out of 10 New Zealanders know symptoms, protective behaviors, and symptoms transmission. A large majority of New Zealanders correctly identified false or misleading data. New Zealanders also showed a high level of knowledge, which enabled them to dispel some of the common lies about coronavirus, as 94% of people surveyed knew that it was wrong for older people to only get infected with the virus, which was the information they were promoting. In mid-May, New Zealand began to ease restrictions on closures, and after two months the country returned to normal, regardless of border closures.

Despite the country's success in eradicating the virus, researchers found that the epidemic had inflicted major losses on New Zealand families, with one in five reporting that a family member had lost his job, applied for unemployment benefits, or was unable to pay his monthly bills . Four out of 10 people surveyed indicated that they or a family member felt depressed, or had trouble sleeping.

"The impressive, decisive, and humane leadership of Ardern has been helpful in New Zealand's rapid change in direction through its response to (Covid-19) and the effective implementation of the disposal strategy," wrote the epidemiologists at the University of Otago, Michael Baker and Nick Wilson.

The report found that Ardern and the Director-General of Health, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, obtained almost perfect marks from the people included in the study, because of the way they communicate and lead them throughout the crisis. "When political will supports science, we save lives," said Dr. Jagadish Thacker.

However, not all news was good, as one in three NZ believed a coronavirus was created in the laboratory, while one in four believed that exposure to sunlight or intense heat could prevent or kill the coronavirus.

Thacker said he found "overwhelming support to limit or restrict immigration and tourism." He is seen as the backbone of the economy, ”surprisingly, but he expected the usual positive attitudes of citizens to bounce back, once the world learns to cope better with the health crisis.

"Corona" led to the "longest period of calm" of seismic noise in history

A new study, published by the American "Science" magazine, showed that the ground tremors resulting from traffic and industrial works fell by half in the world during the global closure due to the pandemic of "Covid-19".

The social divergence and the limited number of cars on the roads, while limiting tourism and travel, led to the "longest and most obvious period of calm" of seismic noise in recorded history.

Seismic noise refers to vibrations in the ground, caused by traffic or heavy machinery and natural phenomena, such as earthquakes and bad weather.

Global (anthropogenic) seismic noise decreased by 50% during the period from March to May, as the provinces entered a closure to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 spread.

The largest decrease in seismic noise was recorded in the most densely populated regions around the world, such as Singapore and New York City.

However, a decrease in seismic noise was recorded in remote areas, such as the German Black Forest, and Rondo in the African country of Namibia.

The team found that noise levels decreased during closure at 185 from 268 seismic stations, set globally.

The team also observed an almost global decrease in noise surrounding high-frequency earthquakes, which started in China in late January, followed in Europe and the rest of the world, from March to April.

The study also revealed that anthropogenic seismic wave fields affect areas larger than previously thought, a result supported by correlations with independent mobility data.

London ■ agencies

- New Zealand researchers confirmed that compliance with the basic rules of hygiene and trust in the authorities amounted to about 100%.

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